Why is longitude associated with time

What is a longitude? What is a major use of longitude? The Longitude that helps us to calculate the Indian Standard time is:. Differentiate between : Parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude. What is the relation between time, speed and distance?

What is the relation between frequency and time period of a wave? What is the relation between Velocity, displacement and time? We hope that reading through this Wonder will help answer your questions about time zones! You're asking some great questions, 11!

We have one for you: are you ok in the Upside Down? Thank you! There is absolutely no reason to have time zones. It just makes it confusing to figure out what time it is somewhere else. Who cares where the sun is at noon? Just imagine how easy life would be without them. It is eight o'clock here, what time is it in Paris? Hmm, eight o'clock. That was an easy conversion.

What time is it in Tunisia? Wow that was an easy one too. How about Sydney? Will you look at that, it is eight o'clock there too. Thanks for your feedback, Person. Time zones are a funny thing and we have only scratched the surface here.

If you're curious to learn more, we encourage you to do a little research. Let us know what else you find out! Hi, Courtney! It sounds like you have a certain scientist on the mind! Check out Wonders and to learn about Nikola Tesla! Hi, Allison!

We do, too! We hope you use the search box to find the Wonders all about turtles! Hello, Ishaan! We hope this Wonder was helpful! We encourage you to explore the science Wonders here at Wonderopolis! Hi, Allis! Thanks for joining the discussion! Do you like turtles, too? They are super cool animals! Use the search feature to find Wonders related to turtles!

Hi, cailee! One reason some countries are 30 minutes different is because it is halfway between two different time zones 1 hour different , so it chose to be 30 minutes. We hope this Wonder was helpful, too! Hi, Sharronjoon! Let us know what you find out! Thanks so much, Blue, abc, and Bluecupquake11! We are so glad you enjoyed this Wonder- we're glad you visited Wonderopolis today!

We Wonder what time zone you live in? Thanks so much for the compliment, Wonder Friend! We're glad you're having fun exploring Wonderopolis! Hey Siddman! Welcome back to Wonderopolis! We think you did a great job using your personal connection and relating it to this Wonder. The reason you had to change the time on your watch was because of the time zone difference from Ohio to California! Thanks for sharing your comment, and your guess for the next Wonder! That's great new, Whitefox66!

You're right, Ameroxs! We learned that Colorado is two hours behind South Carolina in time. When you were eating lunch at noon in South Carolina, your friends in Colorado were probably finishing breakfast at a. You're welcome, 13! We are undergoing some spring clearing site maintenance and need to temporarily disable the commenting feature.

Thanks for your patience. Drag a word to its definition. You have answered 0 of 3 questions correctly and your score is:. Want to add a little wonder to your website? Help spread the wonder of families learning together. We sent you SMS, for complete subscription please reply. Follow Twitter Instagram Facebook. Why do we have different time zones?

How long does it take the Earth to make one full rotation on its axis? What is the prime meridian? Wonder What's Next? Try It Out Are you ready to time travel? Find a friend or family member to help you check out the following activities: Ready, set, glow! Let's find out who's sleeping when you're having lunch. Grab a globe and a desk lamp, and let's get glowing. Don't have a globe? No problem! Use a ball or any object shaped like a sphere. Set the globe and sphere on a flat surface directly across from the desk lamp.

Coordinates help engineers plan the best spot for a building, bridge, well, or other structure. Coordinates help airplane pilots land planes or drop aid packages in specific locations. Into the Great Wide Open It was not until the 18th century that people were able to correctly determine their longitude, even though they had been able to figure out latitude for some time. Not being able to reckon longitude was dangerous for sailors. Without an exact location, they could easily run out of food or water on a long expedition into uncharted territory.

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Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. In theory every 15 degrees change in longitude from line zero in England represents a new time zone or a 1 hour difference. In practice political factors influence where the time zones actually fall.

The state of Arizona wanted all of the state to be be in the same time zone regardless where the 15th degree of longitude fell. How are longitude lines and time zones related? David Drayer.


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