Why periods come early
However, doctors may recommend hormonal therapy when females enter puberty very early or very late. They may also perform a physical examination and run lab tests, including blood and imaging tests. Parents and caregivers may wish to seek medical advice if a child has a menstrual period or develops other features of puberty before they reach 8 years of age.
Meanwhile, female adolescents who do not show signs of breast development by the age of 13 years may have delayed puberty. Delayed puberty can happen for numerous reasons, including insufficient body fat, genetics, and problems affecting the ovaries. Perimenopause, the transition to menopause, usually begins between the ages of 47 and 51 years.
It can cause fluctuations in levels of hormones, specifically estrogen and follicle stimulating hormone FSH.
Some people get their periods a few days early due to rising levels of FSH. People can usually expect lighter and less frequent periods as levels of estrogen decrease throughout the transition. Perimenopause refers to the time when the body naturally transitions into menopause. It is not a health problem that requires medical treatment. However, perimenopause and menopause can cause mild-to-severe symptoms, and certain adjustments and medical interventions can help make the transition easier.
A doctor can tell whether a person is entering perimenopause by reviewing their medical history and possibly conducting a few routine tests. It is advisable to see a doctor about any significant changes in menstrual cycles.
Also, people currently going through perimenopause should tell a doctor if they experience:. Certain sexually transmitted infections STIs , including chlamydia, gonorrhea , and syphilis , can cause vaginal bleeding or spotting between periods. However, these bacterial infections do not always cause symptoms.
If people do have symptoms, they usually include:. STIs are very common. Doctors treat these STIs with antibiotics. The right type and dosage will depend on the underlying condition requiring treatment.
Doctors use urine samples or vaginal swabs to test for gonorrhea and chlamydia, whereas testing for syphilis requires blood samples. If a doctor suspects that the infection has spread to the central nervous system , they may also test the cerebrospinal fluid. The ACOG recommends that women younger than 25 years and all others with a higher risk of infection undergo regular gonorrhea and chlamydia screening. Light bleeding or spotting can occur when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.
This usually occurs 1—2 weeks after conception and a few days earlier than an expected period. Implantation bleeding appears much darker than a regular period because the blood stays in the body for longer.
As implantation bleeding is a normal sign of pregnancy and is not usually dangerous, there is no need for treatment. Here are five things you should know about your periods, because it could be trying to send you a message.
Share Via. Here are five reasons your period showed up unannounced. Endometriosis, thyroid conditions, PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome , and other conditions can interfere with the hormones in your body. If you take the morning-after pill three or more days before you are due to ovulate, chances are, your period will come earlier.
Get our Daily News Capsule Subscribe. Thank you for subscribing to our Daily News Capsule newsletter. Whatsapp Twitter Facebook Linkedin. Gariepy says in perimenopause, women have a diminishing supply of eggs left in the ovaries, and these eggs are poor quality.
These eggs don't respond as well to hormone messages from the brain, which can cause infrequent ovulation or a lack of ovulation altogether. This causes shorter menstrual cycles and early periods or missed periods. Additionally, Gariepy says that without progesterone, a hormone produced by ovulation, the uterus is more likely to shed in an unpredictable way, which can result in an early or late period.
If you are using combined hormonal birth control that contains both estrogen and progestin — such as the pill, patch, or vaginal ring — the main reason your period would be early is if you missed a dose or several doses, Gariepy says.
This is because the levels of the progestin you've been taking drops, triggering uterine bleeding. If you are using a progestin-only birth control method such as the depo-medroxyprogesterone injection, arm implant, or IUD, Gariepy says early bleeding has to do with the thinning of the uterine lining.
This is because the uterine lining doesn't build up. If you are using a copper IUD without hormones, it's also common to experience side effects like unpredictable bleeding for the first 3 to 6 months as your body adjusts. Gariepy says that emergency contraception pills such as Plan B work by delaying ovulation. This is because if no egg is released, then there is nothing for sperm to fertilize, preventing pregnancy.
However, by disrupting ovulation, you may experience a change to your cycle which causes your period to be early or late. This syndrome may cause ovulation to be irregular, which can result in early or late periods.
Some STIs — such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomonas — can cause irritation to the cervix and uterus, which may lead to bleeding, Gariepy says. Many people can mistake this bleeding for their periods. But with STIs, you'll likely also experience the following symptoms:.
Vash-Margita says endometriosis is when tissue normally located in the uterus grows outside the uterus. It's commonly associated with very painful periods and infertility.