Aperture what is option click
While we can get the maximum or minimum depth of field by working at each end of the aperture range, sometimes we want a more intermediate level of depth of field, limiting focus to a specific range of distances within the overall photograph.
In image playback, use the magnifying function of the LCD to zoom in and check the depth of field; make adjustments if necessary and reshoot. By clicking Sign Up, you are opting to receive educational and promotional emails from Nikon Inc.
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe any time. Search Articles. Understanding Maximum Aperture. Glossary Off On. What is aperture in photography? How Aperture Affects Depth of Field Depth of field is the zone of acceptable sharpness in front of and behind the subject on which the lens is focused.
Nov 6, AM. I am trying to open additional items in ther browser each with its own tab which should be by option command click according to the 3. It says it should create two panes to work on two photos at the same time. Nov 6, PM. When I select one item it always deselects when I select another photo. I cant select a second photo without deselecting the first. Communities Get Support. Sign in Sign in Sign in corporate. Browse Search. Retouch an image using the Clone brush Select a photo.
To set the radius of the brush: Drag the Radius slider or enter a value in the Radius value slider. To set the softness of the brush: Drag the Softness slider or enter a value in the Softness value slider. To set the opacity of the brush: Drag the Opacity slider or enter a value in the Opacity value slider. Option-click the source area the area where you want to copy the pixels. Get all the details in our full review. These capable cameras should be solid and well-built, have both speed and focus for capturing fast action and offer professional-level image quality.
Although a lot of people only upload images to Instagram from their smartphones, the app is much more than just a mobile photography platform. In this guide we've chosen a selection of cameras that make it easy to shoot compelling lifestyle images, ideal for sharing on social media. If you're looking for the perfect drone for yourself, or to gift someone special, we've gone through all of the options and selected our favorites.
We looked at cameras with selfie-friendly screens, wide-angle lenses, microphone inputs and great video quality, and selected the best. Submit a News Tip! Reading mode: Light Dark. Login Register. Best cameras and lenses. All forums Mac Talk Change forum. Started Apr 10, Discussions. Forum Threaded view. Apr 10, When using teh "Retouch' and "clone" tool it tells me to "option-click an area to defina a source point" which i took to mean simply click my mouse like normal to choose the area to clone pixels.
Reply to thread Reply with quote Complain. When I click anywhere on the image it tells me "source point unidentified" "you must click on the image to define a source point" Option-click means hold down the Option Alt key and click, which defines a source point.