Can you transmute quaggan backpack
Never figured out if, or what, I did differently to get it to work but it did eventually take my choices and I completed the transmutation. So the short story is: there may be some bugs, if you're pretty sure it should work, keep trying. For example, suppose I just crafted my Mesmer a Masquerade armor set, and while I like the stats, I hate the appearance. Could I grab the old Apprentice armor set on my Necromancer which is soulbound , and use that to transmute my Masquerade armor set?
By extension, would this also work by buying desired armor pieces on the Trading Post purely to obtain their appearance by transmutation? Does this mean that you need to use 2 fine transmutation stones to do this? Here is an example of what I think you guys mean please correct me if I'm wrong with any of the steps :.
If I want my human character to wear armor that looks like norn cultural armor, I'll first have to buy the norn cultural armor with a norn character making it soulbound to the norn character. And is it really soulbound? So my human character is now wearing armor that looks like norn-cultural armor. I just tried to transmute two shortbows together, one in my inventory, the other equipped and currently 'out' being used.
The transmutation would not stick, even after the transmute button was clickable and clicked. It never used a stone, the box just disappeared with nothing happening.
I tried this three times before removing both items to my bag and then attempting whereby it worked flawlessly. I just bought the quaggan backpack cover.
It came with backpack straps to equip to a pack. I'm not sure what these were for, but oh well. I transmuted my backpack item and the cover.
I equipped it and clicked 'unhide', and it isn't showing up. I did that a couple times over again, and it wouldn't work. I equipped the straps that don't show up either and tried to equip the backpack over that, but it switches back out. This has never happened to me, and I need help! Quote: Please keep in mind that when transmuting two items, you are combining the stats of one weapon with the skin of another to create an entirely new item.
When transmuting an upgradeable item, you will lose the ability to upgrade the new item. It becomes an entirely new item with the the appearance of one item and the stats of the other. If you wish to upgrade the item, you will need to wait until after you have upgraded it to transmute the appearance or the ability to upgrade will be lost. Simply not true, tested 3 cases of transmutation: both items with upgrades, only one item with upgrade the other with unused upgrade slot, and both items with unused upgrade slots.
In all 3 cases, a new upgrade could be applied to the newly transmuted item. If I place my starter armor into the right side of the transmutation window and try to use its appearance with some newer armor's stats heavy, same armor slot , the Item Transmutation button is greyed out and no comment is made.
However, if I place it into the left side of the window, the button is clickable and I'm given the "Good" comment. I logged out and back in and still had the same problem. Is there no cheaper method? I was going to ask…if the amulet and accessories are infused in the same manner as the rings. Unless there is another way maybe? If you can, are they the same mats as the rings? The slot has nothing to do with being infused. It just allow you to attach infusions not same as infused to them.
Just wondering cause I have some work to do lol. Fractal relics can no longer be used in the forge due to being in wallet. I tested by downgrading a Glob of Coagulated Mist Essence using the recipe in the guide and replacing the dust.
It did work. So if you buy the back piece with gold it becomes that quiver or book. Then when you infuse it, it turns into that glowy back piece? Or can you only get that glowly back piece from grinding?
You only get that glowing back piece from grinding. The quivers and books WILL stay the same after the infusion. Yes, after infusing a ring that was soulbound to your character it becomes account bound after infusing it, allowing you to put it on a different character.
To get these backpieces, you have to run fractals. The ones that require the least amount of items from fractals are also the most expensive to make. Also if you want the glowing backpiece, you have to run alot of fractals and have alot of gold or ectos.
Ah well, I can live without it. I wish their was another way to get laurels in the game apart from PVP and the dallies. It still takes 35 days to earn laurels or 15 days if you do dallies and PVP dallies.
This is way to long to accomplish. You can only get 1 laurel every day excluding monthly even if you do both PvE and PvP. Buy one of the backpieces from the TP, such as Quaggan, Charr etc. The backpiece straps are account bound.
Transmute capacitor to the account bound straps then put in bank, retrieve capacitor with your other account and there you go. You can then transmute again if you want stats on it.
Ettinband defensive and Healing signet offensive , as well as the Circle of Light, which allows you to choose your own stats. Dulfy, is it possible for you to confirm that the Vial recipes for Quiver of a Thousand Arrows and There with Yakkington still work, and that they still allow you to choose what stats you want when you get them? I tested it out by placing the 4 mats in the mystic forge and it worked. At December 29th still works? I want the direrabid stats.
Ty Dulfy And your tema forma tour amazing work. Do you have unequip it? See this guide on acquiring them they can be crafted or brought from laurel vendors in […]. For all people wondering. I have infused a Transmuted Quiver of a Thounsand Arrows, It had my wings of the sunless skin on them. After infusing at the MF it came out blank without stats so i had to re-pick the stats AND without my beloved skin.
Both methods are covered fairly extensively in this guide so I suggest you take a […]. This might be a stupid question but I just wanted to make sure if I would be able to do this. If the ring has no infusion on it and it is simply infused then yes you can put the infusion in. Thanks again! Actually I made a mistake, I thought you were talking about the regular infusions.
Can you verify that you have 2 different slots? One should be for agony infusions and the other for regular infusions. Hi Dulfy, good day.
I need help. The screenshot of the ring I posted above was from Fractal run. Thanks for the help! Not anymore. It now just add a slot you can put infusionsin. So maybe I am missing something here, or maybe I am being terribly blonde, but how does one forge shards of crystallized mist essence now that fractal relics are part of the wallet? I tried to forge one earlier, but was unable to. Can they no longer be forged?
Hey Dulfy. Because since patch I received a non-infused ring several times. Is this supposed to be? Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Tags ascended amulets , ascended gear , ascended items , back slots , backpieces , guild wars 2 , gw2 , infusions , mystic forge , prototype fractal capacitor , quivers.
MMO guide writer and blogger. Are these things bound to the crafter or account? If so I will remove it. Doesnt work. I went to bed when they posted it so I will add it now.
Thanks in advance. Good point, it does seem quiver users have a disadvantage. Versatile is omni. Here you go… three more rings to add to the guide o. Aaaand one more…. Has anyone tried to infuse a ring using mystic forge? Incorrect, you can infuse them in mystic forge.
You do need ectos, however. Sorry, i was wrong. DOnt mind this. More for the list! I checked this there is a chance on daily to get an ascended ring at levels 10,12,14,16,18 etc. Hello, here is my contribution to the list. If so it is not infused? T2 is Anyone know if there is a backpack with healing clerics available? Is that all quivers can be worn by all professions regardless if they can wear a bow or not?
Ascended rings are still dropping. Give it time. Awesome stuff. PS: Your site rocks. I got 2 so far. Which means he has more then enough pristine relics to buy the damn things.
I crafted precise infusion with 1 scroll and vicious fangs so you ought to correct that recipe. I really hope someone knows the answer to my question. Alright thanks Dulfy.
Great work by the way! Yes, you will lose it. Same thing here, i have bought probably more than gems with credit card. Posted by: Rising Dusk. Rising Dusk. You must use gem cards or credit cards to acquire the gems. Converting gold into gems does not count. Posted by: Rouven. Early January. Posted by: Cassocaster. Where we at on the quaggan?
Posted by: LittleLepton. Posted by: mreggena. Is the quaggan back pack a one time use item? I doubled clicked on it to equip it and it acted like it was a skin and could only be used once. I was hoping it was like the zenith skins and you could use it over and over. Posted by: SandraSolace. You can still transmute it to another backpiece though.