Fish tycoon how long to give birth

The fry can survive without a filter for a few days if you are very careful about not feeding too much. That way the tank stays filtered and the filter stays cycled.

Without a filter running, the oxygen supply in your tank can rapidly decrease and your fish could suffocate if the levels drop too low. The best thing you can do is to buy a battery-powered air pump and use it to run an airstone to create some water movement in your tank.

How long can fish survive without a filter? As long as you remove and replace most of the water every week, the fish will be fine without a filter. A filter does a poor job of keeping the water clean, it really just mixes oxygen into the tank water. The rule of thumb is that fish that live in ponds in the wild can survive without a filter, while fish from streams and rivers cannot because they need a current to generate enough oxygen.

All non-air breathers will die in an unplanted tank as soon as available oxygen is used. This usually happens in a few hours. Generally speaking, all these species are good-natured, striking, and very easy to care for.

Good luck with finding your new pet fish! If you had absolutely no other choice it is possible to keep bettas and goldfish together for a short amount of time. I've been through real blackouts read my location in my profile. Lesser Tornado Alley. Another event would be maybe a heater failure.

I've had that happen to me in real life too. I can't think of anything else. I love the game, and I would love to see it get upgraded. Quote: this thing were you store cretures that u capture form a wild forest and ues its blood to make more fish form new places like zones of fire air water ect and a undead zone and ghost zone and be able to bring dead fish back to life. Now were sacrificing forest creatures for the fishies I don't know thats a bit morbid for my tastes!

So, how many of these lists are going now? I'm not sure; I've seen several but this one is getting kinda wild! I've seen that a lot of people want baby fish to be easier to see.

It would make things easier, yes, but also more unrealistic. Having bred and raised dwarf neon rainbowfish fry baby fish myself, I can tell you that dwarf neon rainbowfish babies are much harder to see at first than even the Tycoon babies! They're no bigger than a speck of dust in the water, and see-through! These things don't get big enough to actually feed normal baby foods until around two or three weeks old. So, I just wanted to point out that hard-to-find, hard-to-see babies is actually something that is rather realistic.

Good work, LDW. And if you want to know what an adult male Melanotaenia praecox dwarf neon rainbowfish in full breeding splendor looks like, look at my avatar. That's Nova Bright showing off to one of my girl rainbows. What about a fish-editor where you can make your bodies or new fins?? I'm not sure if this is the answer you are looking for but, I hope it helps anyway!

Fish Tycoon comes in various degrees of difficulty You can change that via the options menu for each player. Aside from that- In each game that you are playing you can purchase two additional levels of food, environment and advertising research to improve upon the basic levels you start out with. You can also buy many other items to add to your tank for various reasons. All of which will alter your game on one "level" or another. I would love to see more places for medications. I like all those ideas, yeah lets get some new fish, new ornaments, maybe MORE tanks that we can decorate ourselves, NOT ones already decorated.

You know? And maybe make new magic fish with breeding existing magic fish but you don't get them every time, maybe trade with someone or something.

Yeah all these ideas are great!! I also don't like counting my fish and can't keep track of the pregnant ones its a pain I would recomend a way to give other players thigs like money fish, medicines, eggs, etc. Quote: Since we are talking about enhancemants we would like to see I would find it helpful to know how many fish are in each tank.

I dunno - I actually like tank one and the sale tank over tank two. I'm not much for coral. I prefer freshwater tanks. Anyhow, not everyone likes the same thing. That's why I suggested earlier in this thread that the next version allow us to design our own tanks, including choice of substrate, plants, etc. Quote: I dunno - I actually like tank one and the sale tank over tank two.

Rainbowfish lets hope thats what happens, it would be great to design your own tank LDW has said that they have plans to do a sequel to Fish Tycoon, but have made no announcements about when that might be.

You can click on the Coming Soon link to see the progress of Village Sim for Windows which is their next project , but we'll all just have to wait for them to tell us more about any other games! Dont know if this has been suggested or not but have like a price list of each fish. When you click on the poster in the store have a price list, of each fish. The min. I think it would be an excellent idea to improve the game. Hi all - new addict here. I have a suggestion for FT2 that would make it more interesting for me, at least : Have it more like a real pet store with multiple tanks, and have the breeds have personality.

For instance, when you click on a certain fish, it brings up traits like "shy, non-aggressive" or "Aggressive, only put with fish the same size", etc. That way you have to be smarter about what you put together!

This would require having a lot of tanks though, like It would be cool if we could trade fish between different games. For example, trading fish between friends. For me, the best thing to have on a sequel to the game would be to change the music in the selling tank.

Oh yeah. That's all I need to make my life complete. I actually mute my pc when I'm selling fish because the music gets on my nerves that badly. Other than that, I think its perfect the way it is.

Having an entirely new quest would be great, though! I think any music played over and over would get old.

More Magic fish!!! More tank decor!! More mutation chemicals!!! Faster Gameplay option!! Name of player on top!! Multiple Isolation tanks!

Here you are able to place cryogenically frozen fish for later use? Each fish Ice Cube would have a pic, or at the very least the fish name on it. I agree with most: 1. Faster speed option 3. More tanks to name a few but also: 1. Ability to remove plants once purchased. The Plant of Fertility is great to have at first when mass breading the more expensive fish to get money, but once you have enough built up and want to concentrate on breading - it causes an extra baby that just takes up space.

That also leads into being able to purchase them again. Once you discard a plant and need it again you should be able to by it again.

Seahorse also - mine got so sick and i couldn't cure it so I had to dispose of it, now I can't get another one. Some type of clock showing the lapse of time in respect to the fish 'year'. The ability to stop time from the main screen - not just the options menu.

Ability to tag a fish as 'Do Not Sell' so it won't get sold if in the sell tank. Of course more tanks would keep you from having to use the sell tank for other then it was intended. When buying more tanks - you could buy different sizes. Why can customers only buy 1 fish. Why can't they buy 2 or 3? When you go to sell fish, have the store open another window - so you can still get to your tanks without having to close the store. Maybe even have each tank as a seperate window.

Again - I realize the overhead issues may not allow this. Just ideas I had while playing this wonderfully addictive game. I've started grouping my sick fish in one tank and then start dosing. A lot of times, one dose will clean all the sick fish with that illness.

I meant to quote someone and respond, but I couldn't find it again. I also wanted to add a request for sticky notes on my tanks. I can't always remember what I am trying to do in any particular tank. My notes get lost and I just end up doing something different and losing my original intention, like breeding a particular fish or seeing the results of a particular egg purchase. I've been a bit of a lurker here on the message boards, but this game definitely has me hooked!!!

Enhancements I would like to see: 1 Ability to buy more tanks! I've found species and am on the watch for the rest Would be nice to have a 3rd and 4th tank for breeding purposes, especially since I have all 7 magic fish.

Just a couple of cents from a hooked newbie. Quote: 1 Ability to buy more tanks! There are different species. There is a 3rd tank, actually. Its in the supply shop. But once you get that you'll find that you wish there was a fourth lol.

I am putting in my vote for the "pokedex" feature! I thought I kept an accurate count of all the fish I have bred, however when I thought I had found them all I had actually only found ! Ooops, I must have put some check marks in the wrong boxes. Now I get to go thru again. I would love some faster speed options also. I play tribal trouble sometimes and one of its speeds is called something like :"ludacrous" in which time flys.

It has to be one of the easier programming additions. At one point can we hope for some of these "suggestions" to be initiated? Lurker here! I was only thinking yesterday that I would really LOVE to be able to grab the "For sale" sign and 'plonk' it in another tank, instead of trying to move fishies I want to sell around Edit: I have also thought in the past that it would be better if the dead fish floated to the top of the tank, so that I didnt have to search around for them.

I know someone else has mentioned it would be good if they were not so hard to see. Instead of selling them to computer people. I would love to see an option to export fish in your tank so that users could swap fish via e-mail or downloads. Here's my wish list Name of current player at top of fish tank 2. More fish tanks 3. More fish per tank 4. Ability to have both meds at the same time 5. A more stable "stop time" for each game 8.

When I go on vacation, I come home to dead fish. It's very sad!!! I would like those swapping stuff but I bet no one would swap any canary firearrow unless they have alot of them and want to swap for a last magic fish. Quote: or a thing that only changes fin or body THAT is what the unknown chemical does!

The Unknown Chemical is a chemical that you have to use it to find out what it does. It is the red one in the fat bottle. Maybe some predatory sea creatures like a crab or octopus.

Or just odd sea creatures like sea slugs just for viewing fun. I'd love a way to keep track of the fish I've found, so when I get to the end and find I've only got instead of , I can easily find the one I need to breed. The tanks to hold 25 fish instead of An "instant" birth potion where you can get all the fish you'd like in a tank pregnant, then add it and have babies.

These are the changes i will like: a trading fish via email or even just via your own computer with other accounts! Or just via your own account with another player!

I'd like that too! I am just sick of buying eggs and not seeing the fish I've expected. One of my friends playing in my computer has a flagged beta which I need to make my last magic fish so I will jolly well exchange a canary firearrow with it. And figuring out what the unknown chemical does is really exciting!

As I was putting my games on stop time in preparation to leave on vacation tomorrow, I thought it would be fantastic to have a small note pad to make notes to yourself. This game rocks! These are a few ipts that might make it even better? A way to manage your fish quicker per tank.

I really like the little tune that comes up, I wish it was there more often. Quote: Thats not fair it will be too difficult what exactly are you refering to? I would love to be able to buy additional tanks and actually GET all fish swimming around at once! Maybe only three tanks until you get all seven magic fish, then you can buy more? I would also like a fish tracker, but I printed out my own and just use a pencil to mark them as I get them.

I know I've missed some, but it's sortof fun to see how many different fish I can get. I thinka fish counter would be the best thing that would happen to this game. One problem When i bought the game I thought,"wow, I'm never gona have to buy this..

If youre gona add future enhancement then you will have the re-buy the game so you have the enhancemnts! I think that is absurd! So, maybe one of the computer technitions donw where they make the game could find a way to somehow get into your computer and chnage the game! When LDW releases updates to games for example going from v1. Generally, you only need to download the demo of the new version from the site where you purchased the game and if asked re-enter your registration code.

I want to see: 1 fish stall music 2 more levels of environment research 3 more rarer species of fish 4 more decoration for fish tank 5 let fish get sick less often. Quote: When LDW releases updates to games for example going from v1. Can you update the game when you buy the CD? You could do it the way that I described, by downloading the new version. If you wanted a new product CD, however, you would have to purchase it. The games are primarily distributed via download, and CDs are offered at additional charge to accommodate customers who desire them.

Quote: You could do it the way that I described, by downloading the new version. Some people like the security of a CD, and for various reasons don't wish to make it themselves. I don't think it has anything to do with commercial benefit.

I am in desperate need for more tanks GoldenGuppy here: I tried putting some of my fish free but they can't sell no matter how long I wait. Maybe you can't put it as free? I myself want some enhansments for fish tycoon. Allow different selling prices for same species.

Umm a bigger snail? I think it'd be nice to have a male betta How about a coffee bar in the store to attract customers? I notice the coffee bubble on a lot of them. I definately agree with all the posts that say fish counter.

I also think we should be able to see pregnant fish easier, and to be able to just put the father into the chamber, and just breed lots of fish from him. I think add-ons sound like a great idea, and it's good to know that if LDW do bring out a newer version, it won't cost you again.

My little sister started a game, and just refused to bin fish. So everytime one got ill, she would save it, and ended up with all her money gone.

The adult stage starts at age 20 and has no end. An adult fish can be inspected in the isolation tank, can breed and can be sold. To breed two fish drag one into the isolation tank and drag the other over this.

Pregnant fish can breed a non-pregnant fish. Sick fish cannot be impregnated. Breeding two identical species produces offsprings of the same species.

Adult fish in the Sale Tank can be sold in the Fish Store. Divide your total sharks and leaffish evenly between tank one, two and the sale tank.


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