How does sound dissipate

And I'm gonna represent that sound wave like this. Let's draw a circle around it, here's the sound wave. To make things simple, let's just say it sends out one burst of a sound, it's not sending out repeated sound waves, let's just say there's one burst of the sound. This is what the sound wave looks like at a given moment, the wave front.

And if you wait a little while, that wave front's gonna emanate outward. So, here's the sound wave after some later amount of time. Here's the sound wave, if you wait a little longer. And if you wait a little longer, the sound wave might look like this.

These are all the same sound wave, these are just at different moments in time. So, the question was, to remind you, if someone's over here, close to the speaker, why do they notice the sound that's louder from a person over here farther from the speaker.

And one reason has to do with what's called intensity. The intensity is defined to be the power per area. So, this sound this speaker is sending out, a certain amount of power, and that's divided by a certain amount of area.

So, right here that power is divided by this much area, that power is spread out over this much area. But the sound wave's gonna emanate outwards. And that means this power is gonna get spread out over a larger and larger area. So, now that same amount of power is spread out over a larger area. And this keeps going, the further away the sound wave gets, the larger the area.

So if you're way back here, now that same amount of power is spread over a much larger area. And this is one reason why the sound's gonna get weaker, 'cause if you divide by a larger area, if you take that same amount of power, you divide by a larger area, that intensity is gonna get smaller.

Notice, your ear doesn't sample the whole wave, your ear just samples the part that actually gets into your ear. If your ear could hear the whole wave, if you could sample that whole amount of power, yeah, maybe that would sound just as loud. But you only get a piece of it. So, you're just measuring how concentrated that sound is, not the total amount of sound that is on the whole surface.

So, how much less is it gonna be? Thanks to commenter rebel28 for suggesting the pitch link. Sources for the info on this chart is down below. For each of these, I tried to find several sources that all agreed on the same number. A sound wave is more like an earthworm situation: 2 Like an earthworm, sound moves by compressing and decompressing.

A slinky can do both kinds of waves: 1 3 Sound starts with a vibration of some kind creating a longitudinal wave through matter. Anyway— The ear can discern many qualities of a sound it hears, but two of the most fundamental are pitch and loudness.

Pitch Pitch is all about wavelength—i. Krakatoa is an island in Indonesia, and the eruption happened on August 27, The eruption completely annihilated the island, sending an enormous amount of debris 17 miles 27 km high into the sky at half a mile per second. It also caused one of the most deadly and far-reaching tsunamis in history.

In total, the eruption killed 36, people. But the most amazing thing about the eruption was its sound. It made arguably the loudest sound on Earth in modern history. It was so loud that the shock wave extended far enough to rupture the eardrums of sailors 40 miles away. For comparison, the Saturn V launch sound was at dB meters away. Krakatoa was higher than that miles away. The sound cracked a foot-thick concrete wall miles km away.

The sound was heard all the way in Australia where it sounded like a distant canon ball being fired and even as far away as Rodrigues Island, 3, miles away. Finally, you know the famous painting The Scream?

The sky is red because the painter, Edvard Munch, was inspired to paint it after seeing the Krakatoa-caused red skies all over the Western Hemisphere in the year after the eruption. It was a big eruption. One last thought— Researching for this post and learning about what sound is gave me a new perspective on the tree falling in the forest with nobody there to hear it question. Previous Post. Next Post. Different sounds produce different patterns of high- and low-pressure changes, which allows them to be identified.

The wavelength of a sound wave is made up of one compression and one rarefaction. Sound waves lose energy as they travel through a medium, which explains why you cannot hear people talking far away, but you can hear them whispering nearby. As sound waves move through space, they are reflected by mediums, such as walls, pillars, and rocks.

This sound reflection is better known as an echo. This is due to the large rock walls reflecting your sound off one another. So what type of wave is sound? Sound waves fall into three categories: longitudinal waves, mechanical waves, and pressure waves.

Keep reading to find out what qualifies them as such. If you push a slinky back and forth, the coils move in a parallel fashion back and forth. Similarly, when a tuning fork is struck, the direction of the sound wave is parallel to the motion of the air particles. A mechanical wave is a wave that depends on the oscillation of matter, meaning that it transfers energy through a medium to propagate. These waves require an initial energy input that then travels through the medium until the initial energy is effectively transferred.

Examples of mechanical waves in nature include water waves, sound waves, seismic waves and internal water waves, which occur due to density differences in a body of water.

There are three types of mechanical waves: transverse waves, longitudinal waves, and surface waves. Why is sound a mechanical wave? Sound waves move through air by displacing air particles in a chain reaction. As one particle is displaced from its equilibrium position, it pushes or pulls on neighboring molecules, causing them to be displaced from their equilibrium.

As particles continue to displace one another with mechanical vibrations, the disturbance is transported throughout the medium. These particle-to-particle, mechanical vibrations of sound conductance qualify sound waves as mechanical waves.

Sound energy, or energy associated with the vibrations created by a vibrating source, requires a medium to travel, which makes sound energy a mechanical wave. A pressure wave, or compression wave, has a regular pattern of high- and low-pressure regions. Because sound waves consist of compressions and rarefactions, their regions fluctuate between low and high-pressure patterns.

For this reason, sound waves are considered to be pressure waves. For example, as the human ear receives sound waves from the surrounding environment, it detects rarefactions as low-pressure periods and compressions as high-pressure periods. Transverse waves move with oscillations that are perpendicular to the direction of the wave. Sound waves are not transverse waves because their oscillations are parallel to the direction of the energy transport; however sound waves can become transverse waves under very specific circumstances.

Transverse waves, or shear waves, travel at slower speeds than longitudinal waves, and transverse sound waves can only be created in solids. Ocean waves are the most common example of transverse waves in nature. A more tangible example can be demonstrated by wiggling one side of a string up and down, while the other end is anchored see standing waves video below.

Still a little confused? Check out the visual comparison of transverse and longitudinal waves below. Create clearly defined nodes, illuminate standing waves, and investigate the quantum nature of waves in real-time with this modern investigative approach. You can check out some of our favorite wave applications in the video below. What makes music different from noise?

And, we can usually tell the difference between ambulance and police sirens - but how do we do this? We use the four properties of sound: pitch, dynamics loudness or softness , timbre tone color , and duration. It provides a method for organizing sounds based on a frequency-based scale. Pitch can be interpreted as the musical term for frequency, though they are not exactly the same.

A high-pitched sound causes molecules to rapidly oscillate, while a low-pitched sound causes slower oscillation. Pitch can only be determined when a sound has a frequency that is clear and consistent enough to differentiate it from noise. The amplitude of a sound wave determines it relative loudness. In music, the loudness of a note is called its dynamic level. In physics, we measure the amplitude of sound waves in decibels dB , which do not correspond with dynamic levels.

Higher amplitudes correspond with louder sounds, while shorter amplitudes correspond with quieter sounds. Sound Measurement How is sound measured? What units are used to measure sound? How are sounds viewed and analyzed? How is hearing measured? What sounds can people hear? What sounds can animals hear? Sounds in the Sea What are common underwater sounds? How does sound in air differ from sound in water? How do people and animals use sound in the sea? Why do sounds have certain properties?

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