Imovie should i deinterlace
The advanced options pop-up is provided for experienced users who wish to experiment with the processing parameters. Need more help? Contact DVFilm Support.
Need to update your software to the latest release? OS X Installation Copy the contents of the DVFilm folder onto your desktop. If you are downloading the software from our website, use the.
For OS Double-click on the DVFilm Maker icon in the application forlder to start. For other applications you can export a DV Quicktime. If your editor allows you to choose the quality setting, use maximum quality. Remember that DVFilm needs the original, unprocessed version of this file for transfer to film.
Maker will also process silent movies. Player controls will open to show you the movie. You can use the volume control, the slider, and the single frame buttons to examine the source footage.
The process options may appear automatically if the drag-and-drop feature is used. If the source material is anamorphic squeezed you may choose to shrink that down vertically with a letterbox after deinterlacing. If the source material is standard television aspect ratio you may choose to crop that to with a letterbox. Or you may choose not to use letterbox at all.
The processing options will be saved and used as the defaults the next time you run the program, but only if the Quickstart Guide is deselected, presuming that you are an experienced user. Add Grain - check this box to add simulated film grain. Red Boost - check this box to boost the red layer for warmer tones. After you have chosen your desired options, click OK or Start. Processing takes approximately minutes for each minute of material, depending on the speed of your hard drive and computer.
While it is processing you may use your computer for other tasks. Although my cam offers HA and another three lesser settings , I must shoot at this rate which means memory cards don't last long and drive space used during editing will be massive a 20sec clip came in at nearly 1GB - the project I'm about to complete will come in at 10 minutes.
The Quicktime export at 50fps played fine, no interlacing problems. This played fine, although compression degrades quality somewhat. For online presentation, I hope to leave the QT file unconverted and at better quality. I hope this might help anyone visiting this thread who is as in the dark as I was.
It can be done, but it's a pain If anyone has easier solutions that aren't mentioned on any of these posts, glad to hear them. This is misleading and misinformed. What formats exactly does your camera shoot? The highest data rate will give to the highest frame rate.
Why do you have to shoot the highest frame rate? Does your camera shoot p25? Furthermore, the data rates for working in FCP are incorrect. There is no requirement in FCP for creating optimized media. You can't blame FCP because your camera doesn't shoot p More like frustrated - as are the many people I've came across online having the same problem as me.
We all want to use FCP10 as it's the best semi--professional video editing out there. It's just disappointing to find it out it doesn't get on with some Panasonic cam formats. I should have waited a couple of months and got that DSLR! Anyway, thank you for the insightful reply. This is flat out wrong. FCP works correctly with this camera. Unfortunately you chose a camera which is largely unsuitable for providing web delivery video.
FCP will edit the interlaced footage from the camera. It will even make it progressive if you want. The shortcomings are in your choice of equipment not the software, which is perfectly capable of dealing with this footage within the limitations of the format choices the camera offers.
I'm exactly clear what you expect of the software, but your repeated statements that FCP is somehow inadequate fir working with AVCHD media is just wrong.
Joe90 wrote:. To deinterlace simply edit in or put your edited project in a progressive project. The link does not show the correct way to deinterlace a project of interlaced media. It is simply for changing the field order for single files that may not conform to the rest of your media. The link is also very dated. You can see interlacing at any time in the FCP Viewer simply by switching on both fields in the Viewer appearance popup, which should be the norm when working in an interlaced project.
Last edit: by Tom Wolsky. Thanks, J, that really helped me to interpret the problems. Onwards and upwards! Tom wrote:. This is an old version of Compressor. Line averaging is not the fastest way.
Field discarding is the fastest way. FCP does not do that. It field blends to create motion blur on moving portions of the frame. I don't know, Tom. I'm going to clear my head and start afresh tomorrow evening using everything you and the guys have told me.
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