Supplemental security income who is eligible
People age 65 and older are excluded as they can qualify for SSI based on their age rather than disability status. One-third of nonelderly adult SSI enrollees qualified based on a mental health disability. The most prevalent types of mental health disabilities were schizophrenic and other psychotic disorders, followed by mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder. Within this category, the most prevalent type was intellectual disability, followed by autism.
One in five child SSI enrollees have a physical disability. The most prevalent types of physical disabilities among child SSI enrollees were neurological disorders or loss of vision, speech or hearing, followed by congenital disorders. Less than 10 percent of child SSI enrollees have a mental health disability. Within this category, the most prevalent disability types were mood disorders, followed by organic mental disorders. In addition to meeting the disability criteria described below , an SSI enrollee must meet several non-medical criteria, including having a low income.
SSA has complex rules for determining financial eligibility. In kind support generally is valued at and therefore reduces SSI payments by one-third of the maximum federal benefit amount. Other non-medical criteria to qualify for SSI include having limited assets and a qualifying citizenship or immigration status. The U. Updated May 27, What conditions make you eligible for a fast-track decision on Social Security disability benefits?
Family Caregiving. Leaving AARP. Got it! Please don't show me this again for 90 days. Cancel Continue. Thank You. Your email address is now confirmed. Continue to AARP. If your disability meets one of these published medical listings and the criteria set forth in that listing, you will likely qualify for SSI disability benefits.
If, however, your condition is not included in the SSA's Blue Book you will need to prove that your condition meets the criteria of one of these listings or that it results in a complete inability to work due to the limitations placed on you. If you are under age 18 you may be considered disabled if you have a physical or mental impairment, including an emotional or learning problem that severely limits your ability to function normally, may result in death or has lasted or is likely to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months.
If you are not disabled, you may still qualify for SSI payments. Individuals who are over the age of 65 may also qualify for Supplemental Security Income benefits if their income and assets are below the threshold set forth by the SSA. The SSI program is a needs-based program.
As such, you will have to prove that your assets and household income are below a certain threshold in order to qualify for these payments from the SSA. Your income must also be below the acceptable SSI thresholds, which will vary depending on your particular living situation and the state in which you live. Open CN Medicaid effective September 1, Household consists of father, mother, and two children.
We discover the error and terminate the SSP for the ineligible spouse. We add the ineligible spouse to the TANF grant.