Vox ac30 how many watts
AC 4 Custom. AC15 Custom. AC15 Custom Twin. X This site uses cookies. To see how cookies are used, please review our Cookie Policy , By clicking the "I Agree" button, or by continuing to use this site, you are indicating your agreement to our cookie policy.
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You can do it, match impedence and life should be good. Its great for recording, you get two distinct sounds when you close mic. In practice, its a little weird, because if you stand in front of the amp, sometimes you'll swear one speaker doesn't work!!!
Top Mentioned Manufacturers. Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn. Subscribe to our Newsletter. By using this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Code by Port Forward. Hosted by Nimbus Hosting. Bsides that's on the old AC30s that are while now cheap! If you're gonna drive the valves hard an AC15 would almost certanily be a much better choice. If you want some clean headroom go with the I think you might be surprised at just how loud an AC15 is if you've never got the chance to crank one.
Jul 4, 3. Posts: 13, This may seem a lot for EL84 but that AC30 could be pushed up to 96 watts: the valves did not last long, nor did the speakers. How loud? The current 30 watt AC30 2x12 doesn't thrash the valves but it is still very loud, imo it is one of those amps that does not turn down well, it is loud at 2, it's a bit of a beast: it is a big stage amp. When we blew the Vox Alnico Blues, and they would blow with monotonous regularity, they would be replaced with Ceramic 'Greenbacks' also available in silver e.
G12S - nearest equivalent probably the Heritage G12M So please, when folks bleat on about the classic 60s Vox sound, it weren't the 15 watt G12 Alnico Blue. The AC15 is not a low wattage AC30, they are very different animals. Also the volume you hear at the shop is not the same as you will hear at home or on stage.
To get a good rock sound out of the AC15, it likes to be turned up: it will cope with the drummer. The AC15 can do the job in a rock band but it depends on the rock band, I know situations where it would get lost in the mix and be inaudible front of house, I'd want 30 watts: the AC30 is a bloody good rock amp. On stage, the AC30 can be turned down so it does not deafen the drummer and drown the mix, when setting up levels do not stand over the amp, you cannot hear it there.
The AC30 is not a practice amp, it is not neighbour-friendly and it induces hernias. You can pick up and carry an AC The AC15 is also a professional stage amp, but better suited to very small to small venues.
Jul 4, 4. Posts: Has an attenuator taking it from less than 0. Loads of effects and amp sims all optional of course and inexpensive. My needs are home-based so I'm going for a VT Jul 4, 5. Posts: 3, Fortunately i can leave it at our practice space. To be honest I don't see a lot of difference between the 2x12 blue and the 1 x 12 Wharfdale BUT that might be because I get to crank the 1 x 12 at home sometimes very nice neighbours and haven't really cranked the 2x12 blues yet Soooo loud.
I do notice the wharfdale can a bit harsh only sometimes and only a bit especially when amp isn't hot and maybe the 2x12 Blues wouldn't