What do deacons do in the church
What are some duties that deacons might be responsible for today? Such duties might include:. That is, they are to care for the physical or temporal concerns of the church. By handling such matters, deacons free up the elders to focus on shepherding the spiritual needs of the congregation.
Purchase a Print Edition. Our work is possible by the generosity of our readers. Give Today. Read Now » Ask a Question ». Resources Donate. The Biblical Qualifications and Responsibilities of Deacons. Article Who should be a deacon? What does the Bible say deacons should do? Need more resources? Enter your email and receive our free Journal Deacons are Shock Absorbers. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
By Benjamin Merkle. More articles tagged as: Deacons Elders Leadership. You may unsubscribe at any time. Support 9Marks Our work is possible by the generosity of our readers.
This fund. In addition, there was a daily collection of food from house to house for those who were actually in emergency need for the day. This fund was called the tamhui or the tray. It was this practice that the first deacons inherited and performed. At first the money for the poor had been administered or at least supervised by the apostles Acts , but when the number of the disciples grew to five thousand men Acts , the job became too much for them, and deacons were elected to help.
Another indication of the deacon's role is inherent in the name itself: "servant. This does not mean that it is a lowly or unimportant office.
The qualifications are quite high. They indicate that the deacon must be morally pure, spiritually mature, doctrinally strong, and able to handle money responsibly. In addition, he must be a good example in his family life and his deportment in the community. He is one to be respected in the church. No other directions are given in Scripture concerning the work of the deacon. One thing is clear: it is not the job of the deacon to rule the church. Just as there is no such thing in Scripture as a board of elders, there is no such thing as a board of deacons.
Authority in the church comes from the Lord to the congregation. Deacons may be authorized by the congregation to serve the church in various ways, but these should be under the same headings found in Scripture. They should help the pastor or pastors with their ministry and help meet the physical needs of the congregation.
Lea and Griffin conclude from 1 Timothy that "deacons likely served in an undefined way to assist the overseer, but they may not have been deeply involved in church financial affairs. It says that the deacon: "shall minister to those in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress.
To this board may be delegated. Deacons may be involved properly in all of these ministries as appointed by the church, but Strauch is correct when he says that "deacons are the church's ministers of mercy.
No spiritual gifts are listed in the qualifications for deacons, but it seems reasonable that a deacon's gifts should be appropriate for his ministry.
If that be the case, then the church should look for those who have the gift of "helping" 1 Cor. Without these gifts deacons will not be as effective in fulfilling the ministry to which God has appointed them. The New Testament does not give any directions concerning the number of deacons a church should have.
Perhaps no fixed number is given because churches of different sizes with differing conditions have very different needs for the deacons' ministry. The Jerusalem church consisted of five thousand men and perhaps as many as twenty thousand believers Acts at the time they chose seven to be deacons.
That was a ratio of almost three thousand people per deacon. It is a ministry that gives opportunity to work God at the cutting edge. Through the prison chaplaincy, the deacon is also involved in a weekly group meeting offered to all inmates, where some discover the 'unconditional love of God' through a therapeutic process, and a belief that all life is sacred, their own included.
All this work takes place within the context of 'a multifaith chaplaincy' offered to inmates and officers in a system where security and safety is first priority.
A project providing short five day holidays has been developed by one deacon for the elderly who are living alone or recently bereaved. It is open to members of the circuit and those connected with the circuit. Each group consists of six elderly people with three carers and a minibus driver. As well as assisting on the holidays, the deacon has to manage the whole project, devise itineraries and obtain ongoing funding. Arising out of this have been requests for Wedding Anniversary Blessing Services, and leading quiet reflective prayers as ashes are scattered on the sea.
Visiting and pastoral care 'For me the role of pastoral care is one of the most fulfilling parts of my call and ministry as a deacon. It is as varied as each appointment. To be alongside people in hospital, at a time of bereavement, in the home, in joy or sorrow, sharing in conversation and prayer, is a privilege and responsibility.
This helps both parents and children to be in touch with their own spirituality outside the structure of Sunday worship. This approach is often less formidable for the unchurched and those whose experience of liturgical worship is a faint memory. A deacon working in two churches writes: 'There are many facets to the work: prayer and healing ministry, families and children, parenting courses and chairing a pre-school management committee, leading a Disciple course, preaching and pastoral work, and helping with music.
A lot of time is spent working with children in two churches. The smaller church is on the edge of a densely populated area, with many families and people in need. The children have no knowledge of the Bible or its familiar stories. We start from scratch to help them understand God's love for them. They are slowly learning about God and Jesus. It is hard work at times, but seeds are being sown.