What do varied carpet beetles eat
Some live inside the nests of birds or other animals and can live in walls or chimneys, feeding on dead insects and animals. In spring, female carpet beetles lay 25 to eggs , which hatch into larvae within two weeks. Carpet beetle larvae are able to mature under a variety of humidity levels and temperatures, although they tend to avoid bright areas.
Depending on food sources and climate, larvae may take over a year to develop into adults. As they develop, they shed their brown skins. Learn more about the carpet beetle lifecycle. Beetles — General Facts. Black Carpet Beetles. Boric Acid and Carpet Beetles. Carpet Beetle Bites. Carpet Beetle Damage and Problems. Carpet Beetle Eggs. Carpet Beetle Infestation.
Carpet Beetle Larvae. Around the House. Carpet Beetle Larvae in Furniture. Photo 1. There are three common species of carpet beetles in Michigan homes: the carpet beetle, the varied carpet beetle and the furrniture carpet beetle. This photo shows the adult and larva of the ubiquitous black carpet beetle, Attagenus unicolor Dermestidae.
Photo credit: Clemson University. Courtesy of Forestryimages. Photo 2. The furniture carpet beetle, Anthrenus flavipes Dermestidae : adult and larva. P hoto credit: Clemson University. The varied carpet beetle, Anthrenus verbasci. Note the white and yellowish scales that give this beetle its distinctive markings. Photo 4. A varied carpet beetle larva. Carpet beetle larvae are pretty easy to identify because they tend to be the only brown hairy larvae found in homes.
The primary source may be a seldom-used wool or fur hat or scarf on a shelf in a closet; an antique rug stored in the basement; or the remains of a bird or squirrel nest up in the attic. Carpet beetles prefer to dwell in dark, undisturbed areas where susceptible items are stored for long periods.
When inspecting clothing, pay attention to seams, folds, and creases e. Larvae also tend to infest the lower edges of rugs and carpeting. Use needle-nose pliers to lift the outer edge of wall-to-wall carpet from the tack strip along baseboards. As noted earlier, infestations may also stem from bird nests, animal carcasses, or accumulations of dead insects such as flies or lady beetles in attics or elsewhere. Plant-based materials cereal, pet food, bird seed, etc. Once found, infested items and susceptible articles nearby should be laundered, dry-cleaned or discarded.
Bagging heavily infested items before disposal can help prevent further spread of the beetles. Dry-cleaning or hot laundering kills any eggs or larvae that may be present. Heat generated by a clothes dryer is effective as well. Vacuuming floors, carpets, and inside heating vents effectively removes larvae as well as hair and lint, which could support future infestations.
Be sure to vacuum along and beneath edges of carpets, along baseboards, underneath furniture and stored items, and inside closets and quiet areas where carpet beetles and clothes moths prefer to feed. Insecticides applied to infested rugs and carpets may be helpful as a supplement to good housekeeping. Sprays recommended for flea control see University of Kentucky Entomology Entfact , or with fabric insects listed on the label are effective.
Infested clothing or bedding should not be treated with insecticides. Detecting Infestations. Museums, rug-dealers, craft shops, furriers and taxidermists have much at stake in preventing carpet beetles and clothes moths.
Museum collections, in particular, can be irreparably harmed by these pests making prevention a necessity. To minimize the risk, vulnerable items should be routinely monitored for signs of pest activity. However, there are steps the homeowner can take to prevent or control the pests. Good housekeeping helps prevent infestation and, more importantly, reveals infestations early before significant damage is done.
It is wise to treat, wash or dry clean second hand clothes immediately upon bringing them home. If exposed to beetles, untreated animal skins, fur clothes, woolen rags, etc. Be sure to clean out-of-season items before storing. Checking items that have not been used for several months helps prevent severe damage. Clothes that were worn or soiled, e. Dry cleaning kills the pests in all stages of development; washing is also helpful, as is using a clothes dryer.
Placing clothes in tight plastic bags or trunks helps to discourage beetles, but is not always effective. Napthalene mothballs or flakes are a fair preventive. Paradichlorobenzene flakes are better because they also have some insecticidal effect. Do not count on cedar closets or chests to keep moths or carpet beetles from damaging garments.
Moth-proof the garments. Vacuuming upholstered furniture, carpets and carpet pads especially edges of carpets and near mop boards , and hard to reach areas under furniture may also lessen the degree of an infestation. Do not overlook lint in isolated areas like heat ducts and attics.