What if story generator

She is shocked to learn there are two people living in her snow globe, a couple who claim they were trapped there by a cruel witch centuries before. They make a deal with her. Sebastian Crete arrives and she confesses what is going on. Nonetheless, he agrees to dig her up, as he is a rebel and also hopes to get any other jewelry she may have on her.

They spend all night digging at the lonesome grave atop the hill. When they crack it open, they find the emerald ring and take it. The moment they touch the ring, they find themselves transported into the snow globe.

When they look on the outside, they see Constance and Roman, bearing a wicked smile. They stuff the snowglobe in her brown satchel and leave the house.

They arrive at her store, inquiring to the shopkeeper how to get back to their own time. Missy is shocked to learn that he is able to help them. They plan to go back and destroy the witch before a time she was set to punish them. She gets them instead and claims the globe. Sebastian uses the ring to scrape at the glass, weakening it as time goes on.

Finally, he kicks it, cracks it, and falls out. But leaves Missy behind inside. The witch claims the ring from him, which with the promise not to hurt Missy or him, he willingly gives to her. After Sebastian cracks the snow globe and sets her free, she does not return to her full size without the ring. They are stuck in a time they are unfamiliar with. A year-old woman who has grown up in a polygamous Mormon community just outside St.

How does she escape, and how do they attempt to track her down? Greetings to all and thank you Bookfox for this amazing website. I stumbled upon it accidentally via google searching and I have spent the past three hours here. From the information and generator to all the visitor comments and help I found such amazing ideas, insights, and a new place to come back to.

So thankful to have found this website and I will be sure to share it with friends!! Happy writing everyone!! Liberty butterscotch was thinking about Alec Dickson again. Alec Dickson was a cute smart guy with muscly body. Liberty walked over to the window and reflected on her beautiful surroundings. She had always love the magic of New York with its creepy crooked cliff it was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel happy. Then she saw something in the distance or rather someone it was figure of Alec Dickson.

Liberty gulped she glanced at her own reflection. He was handsome stood there with skinny glasses of red wine but a lot of people thought of him as impure but I could see that angelic touch. He rescued a baby from burning building The rain hammered like galloping horse making liberty mad. She grab a gun that had been stored new by she massaged with her fingers finding her way to the trigger liberty then step outside alec came closer she could she the worried guilt in the dark eyes alec gazed with the affection of dogs he said in a hushed tone.

Liberty still holding the gun. They look at each other with scared feeling. Liberty could hear his heart shatter in to paces she knew this is what she had to do to protect him. Alec left but before he left he lowed liberty gun so it was pointing to the floor and kissed her forehead before leaving the house. Liberty berthing became heavier she was broken she had to do if alec was going to be safe it what had to be she thought. I am currently working on a novel within my free time.

It involves a partly apocalyptic future torn apart by man made diseases. The chapters fluctuate between the viewpoint of four different characters who fit completely different roles within the story. The characters so far have names and their difference. Each difference is a disease or gentic mutation.

My main problem is the slowness this is working at, it is normal to write a chapter, change everything, start again, change some more. BTW, your posts and little articles really helped me so far, alot of the changes came after seeing that i messed up after reading your advice for fictional writters.

And so glad to hear that my posts have been helpful. Ok great. My question is this, if i hate my own story, do i try starting over anyway, or improve it, even if i find no joy in it? I deleted all the previous chapters and started new ones. The three of them lived together and the foster child person just feels like they have nothing out there anymore.

The main character is suffering from borderline personality disorder and his best friend from depression. The problem with this idea is that.. But I would encourage you to write it, because the process of writing is going to give you more ideas and the idea will be shaped by the act of writing it. Some things you can only figure out through the process of writing. I want some romance, mystery, sacrifice, and i want it in the mid-eval times.

Please help with the plot! I am kind of looking for ideas to write a script for a play. The only requirement I want is that the ending and the story should have kind of a moral cause the play has to be enacted by students. Please help! I was just wondering if someone could help me finish a short story that I have been working on. When will it end?! He is supposed to be a descendant of Percival. Yes, I was trying to go with characters that are common in the Arthurian legend.

Setting: The time period is around four to five generations after Arthur. The main character, Alix, is the daughter of a servant to the current king of that time. Alix and Claire go to Caerleon, which is where they find Camelot, as in the title.

Plot: Alix is visited by Claire and her father who asked her to join them to Caerleon, she accepts only because it is Claire that is going. When the three arrive they have vivid dreams of Merlin and Arthur, or rather, themselves.

Alix is visited yet again by Merlin in the inn that they decided to stay at. Merlin leads her to the Round Table, little do they know that Claire has followed them. The door to the Table is sealed tight, only the descendant of Arthur is able to open it. He makes his way to Caerleon and introduces himself to Alix who then knights him.

There is a budding relationship between Alix and Seth. If there is anything that is missing or any holes that you think I need to fill, then please tell me and I will clarify anything. The generator is at the top. It gives you story ideas. After she is taken away by Child Protective Services, she admits it was a lie, and she is placed back in the home.

How does the relationship between her and the father change? I need something of a plot that links a hacker working for the cia and is on a tight leash and a ceo that goes against the law secretly. This website needs to clear things up. It has some serious misconceptions. In fact, its against their standards to practice polygamie. Mormons have very strict standards and believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and doing good to all men and women.

If websites like this continue to drop lies about religions, cultures, or races, problems arise. This website needs to fix its prompts. Can anybody help me, I need to actually begin my story, so far I only have the idea for it, and some of the characters. What are you missing so far?

We could give you ideas, but I think I would need a little bit more information about what your looking for. I actually sort of did this one! What if you make your main charater a demon, who doesnt want to be bad?

Then she tries to convince her school, Demoni High, that they dont have to be bad. Or evil, just loving. I need help with my story idea. Any ideas for a story with the words cat girl, adventure, romance, finding the past, and with a setting of the mid evil era. Any ideas? What about, a cat that gets transformed into a girl.

She beomes a cat girl. Then she goes on an adventure with the girls best friends so she can get her cat bod back. While on the adventure, she meets a boy that totally falls for her.

While still on the andventure, she goes back and discovers the girls past. That makes her want to fix it. And to top it all of, for half of the book, they were in the mid evil era. I need help. I am writing a novel and I need help. In this story, I want it to be sad but happy parts are included. I can see you have some really good and challenging writing prompts here.

If you intend to write about transgender people, encourage others to write about transgender people, or edit stories about transgender people, I suggest that you correct this. I hope that this feedback will be taken in the constructive spirit which it is given. What person in her past is behind the calls, how do they know they will die soon, and why does this person want her to play? She is taken to a Cambion refuge where she meets others like her…….

I need a new obstacle for the characters. A new conflict. An antagonist. Can anyone throw some suggestions my way going off my original premise please?

It would be a great help because my brain is about to explode. A famous pop star that falls in love with a normal normal girl with major self esteem issues. I was just wondering if anyone had a story idea. I just want something that could make people sad and feel sympathy for the characters.

You should definitely have a tragic back story. Maybe where the character does some thing they regret deeply maybe hurting a loved one or partner. But then the loved one dies before they can make up for it. So they try to run away and forget what they did, but just hurt more people in the process. Then they find the perfect partner and then that person hurts them.

Then U can finish it off how ever I want. This is my idea:. He has been having nightmares for as long as he can remember. He thinks his nightmares are normal and are nothing. But that all changes when his parents, along with his sister, go missing.

So he enrolls the help of one of their family friends, Samuel Ross. Angst tells Jack about a prophecy that was foretold many centuries before he was born, about Jack. What do you think? I want to possibly make it into a series and also if you have any ideas on a name for the school please let me know. What do I need to add to it? I want it to include fantasy, teen romance, mystery, drama. I need a story using indignant ambivalent irrelevant mundane tantalizing abundant prevalent astute prestigious tedious devour pensive.

Wondering if anyone had a story idea.. I need a book about a fox named Foxy. A lonely fox named Foxy is sitting by a tree, alone. When a friendly kitty comes and is extremely nice to Foxy. Later, Blanky, a sarcastic Blanket, joins them. And they have adventures together. Alex Sanchez is a year-old who lives in a world where teenagers are discriminated and looked down at just because the elders think that they are lazy, arrogant, and selfish.

Alex wants to show the community this somehow, but the government and everyone else, including his own parents, are against him. So he and some of his friends and classmates get together and form a group dedicated to helping the teens of their community find their place, make their mark, and rise up. It sounds interesting, but what if they had laws working against them. For every law, they broke there was a severe punishment because the elders believed that beating teenagers and children was most effective in stopping them.

At one point near the climax, Alex loses hope only for his friend which was very against it, in the beginning, shares his views. With new hope, he goes against the elders for one last time. I have an idea for a book I want to write which uses the metaphor of a puppeteer.

I just need help coming up with a climax or a plot. Her grandmother is like a puppeteer, making all her choices. It will be what Violet is striving to get, but her grandmother is standing in the way. Start with writing a rough draft, and than work your way from there.

May I ask why her grandmother, and not her mother, is controlling her? What happened to her parents? Did her grandmother kill them? It sounds amazing!!!!! Deniz the story line is really amazing i was thinking about her hiding things from her grandmother and her grandmother finds out which is what leads to her grandmothers death. Olivia come home one day and finds the door open and a ambulance on the driveway, she get in time to her grandma falling limp on the stretcher.

Hey, I need to write a word story using the word epiphany, and I am not sure what to do. Can you help me? I have started off like this, now I am not sure what to do next. Her fingers flew across the screen, typing furiously on social media, and her forgotten homework lay scattered on her desk. Please can somebody help? You could add a bit about her parents and hint about the time you could also slightly explain what sort of person she might be.

Can you help? Can u help. Hey, I really need immediate help. I need to write a dystopian story pgs. I was thinking of using royalty as well. Any help would be useful. Can anyone give me ideas? Can anyone help to create a plot, based on theses words, confetti, explosions, spirits, forest, a girl. Can anyone help me create a plot based on these words, love triangle, high school, a girl, bullies, demons, sad.

I need to come up with a short story and I want to do it based off of a dream I had: Girl walking through old bookstore with sunlight cascading on the dust and books. Girl strolls around, browsing the books.

Some sort of commotion happens outside and all the shoppers gather around the large windows to see. Thank u! Hi, Can any one help me create a plot for a short story with the following words and theme. Theme- underwater Words- waves, deep, endless, marine, abyss and aqua. He wanted to go deep sea diving with some friends, but as they dove deeper into the abyss, they realized their aqua lungs were not filled with oxygen.

He had personally checked them prior to going out on the boat, and they were full. Every person on the boat was down there with him now, and they all showed indicators of only half full, so …. Just published my first book in the series. Started on 2nd book and went blank. All I got was how the Prince and his wife went to a local resort with other teachers for a nice holiday and teacher workshops. And then I went totally blank. Can anyone kick start me with a plot idea or something?

Ken Miyamoto has worked in the film industry for nearly two decades, most notably as a studio liaison for Sony Studios and then as a script reader and story analyst for Sony Pictures. He has many studio meetings under his belt as a produced screenwriter, meeting with the likes of Sony, Dreamworks, Universal, Disney, Warner Brothers, as well as many production and management companies.

Follow Ken on Twitter KenMovies. Genre-Specific Notes. Preparation Notes. Learn More. Blog Featured. Crimson Tide What if a little boy could see dead people when nobody else could? The Sixth Sense What if the world we live in is actually a computer simulation? The Matrix The answers to such questions that you conjure may inspire screenplays, novels, short stories, or even smaller moments that you can include in what stories you are already writing or what you will create in your upcoming projects.

We've previously offered terrifying horror story prompts that writers could use. What if the past and present timelines began to merge? What if the Greek Gods truly did use to walk the earth? What if your stepfather or stepmother is actually your future self? What if the sun began to die? What if the universe as we know it is actually someone's imagination?

What if a young boy or young girl could hear everyone's inner thoughts? What if a portal opened to another world during a child's sleepover? What if the human mind suddenly went through an extreme form of evolution? What if robots were actually here first? What if the dream world is the actual world? What if World War I never happened? What if World War II never happened?

What if the space program never stopped going to the moon? What if a worldwide EMP destroyed all electronics? What if a woman was elected President? What if the oceans began to dry up? What if dinosaurs are still alive somewhere?

What if vampires are real? What if ghosts were the ones that were alive What if some scientist has been successfully cloning humans for years?

What if you had the powers of God for one day? What if you could relive your childhood in exchange for your life? What if the Creator has been in a coma? What if Christ has been among us for 32 years?

What if someone could possess anyone's body for 24 hours? What if God came down as a human to explore his or her creation? What if Bruce Lee never died? What if someone came out to the press claiming to be Andy Kaufman? What if Hitler was discovered living in an American suburb in the s? What if someone unlocked the secret to immortality? What if Christ was an alien What if the remaining superpowers decided to invade America? What if every human being had the same dream at the same time?

What if dogs and humans switched bodies? What if cats and dogs ruled the earth? What if there was a scientifical explanation to ghosts? Kristen Kieffer, founder of Well-Storied. What is a Narrative Arc? Learn the intricacies of building a narrative arc, and how to attain a good beginning, middle, and end to your story in this blog post. There are plenty of other plot generators and plot twist generators to provide more bursts of inspiration. Here are some of our favorite story generators on the Internet:.

And if you now feel ready to start building your story now? Over 1 million authors trust the professionals on Reedsy, come meet them.

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