What kind of mormon am i

An ancient American prophet who preached Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. Are individual people who are three of many "gods" that dwell in Heaven. Baptizing people who are considered spiritually dead but physically living. What song is likely to be played at every LDS church youth dance forever?

Three men who were granted a wish by Jesus to serve as missionaries until the end of the world. According to Mormons, the first principles and ordinances of the gospel are.

Which one of these celebrities is not a Mormon? Although there are many choices, this should be fairly easy to spot for a mormon - and no, I didn't put Steve Martin, although we all know that he is! Related Quizzes. In time He will make it possible for any two people who love each other to find full fellowship in His church and in His eternal kingdom. A Men and women are equal in the church. God has created a pattern by which the priesthood can be in every home and each calling in the church is fulfilled by the power of the priesthood whether done by a man or a woman.

D Those who can hold the priesthood has changed repeatedly throughout the scriptural record. Starting exclusively with Levities, then to all Israelites, then to white Jews and Gentiles, then to any Mormon man, and will eventually be extended to Mormon women once the church finds it in their best interest to do so.

What are you? Essays about Mormonism. Anybody can write for Mormondom. Sign in. Tyler Scott Follow. Prophets A Definitely speak for God; they do not commit serious sins, they both accurately and consistently relay the will of God to His children on Earth. God A God is an exalted physical man and the father of all spirits on this Earth as well as others.

Polygamy A Polygamy was commanded by God and played an important role in the early church but now is no longer necessary and so God provided new revelation that it is not to be practiced again until the eternities. Commandments A The commandments represent the mind and will of God for His children and must be followed in order to obtain blessings in this life and exhalation in the next life.

Mormondom Essays about Mormonism. Mormon Lds Progressive Lgbt Mormon. Husband and father. Authentic and intentional. Critical and faithful. Mormondom Follow. Written by Tyler Scott Follow. I hope something supernatural happens. Wouldn't it be cool if someone started speaking in tongues and announced a temple in China. I've got an important calling. They need me there so I will take a high dose of Vitamin C and not shake anyone's hand at church. I don't think we will use our food storage.

It will be for those "Left Behind" after the Second Coming. Just in case a family emergency happens like getting laid off or perhaps a small natural disaster. I avoid the appearance of evil and will not dink anything that is questionable including herbal tea, soda pop, sparkling cider etc I drink anything I want, including beer.

The Word of Wisdom doesn't mention beer specifically, right? The women of the church are already too powerful. If they got the priesthood, they would take over the world. Women already have the priesthood, duh. They just don't exercise it like men do. Besides, Mormon women already have enough to do.

Protecting the church and temples against the forces of darkness! It would be cool if I got a super hero costume and a flaming sword. This in no way means that you are liberal politically, rather, you are liberal in love. You love the freedom the Mormon religion gives you. You love people and seek first to understand. You biggest pet-peeve is the intolerance of other Mormons and a zealous culture which is more of a threat to mankind than Russian missiles, wheat weevils, or R-rated movies.

You love learning about other places and people. You appreciate differences and know that it takes all kinds of individuals to make a society function. You love to share the gospel and had a gift for teaching and wisdom. You love to study the scriptures and history. You always have a story from your mission to tell and are very good at parables and helping other people feel close to God.

Sharing the gospel gives you an extra boost of energy or an adrenalin rush. You love all different kinds of people and have heart ache when someone rejects the good things you are offering.

You are an amazing person. You may not realize it, but your greatest missionary tool is the example you set and your greatest and most important students are you own family. Yes, you are that awesome.

As a natural born warrior, you are ready to fearlessly fight the armies of darkness. You love the fantastical stories of supernatural strength and priesthood powers such as calling down fire from heaven and walking on water. You love quests and will often view your church calling as a divine mission. You like to be challenged. Your weakness comes from dealing with the mundane. If your calling, job or progression toward heaven isn't exciting enough, you often retreat to video gaming or other fantasy worlds where you can act out your epic and heroic role.

Remember that your time will come to stand heroically in the battle against Satan and you will need to do all the small mundane stuff to be ready for when the time comes. You out of all people have a challenge with scripture study.

You will find things in the scriptures that will give you inside warrior information about your upcoming mission. Continue to work out, stay in shape, learn to sword fight, take a self defense class and prepare yourself as both a physical and spiritual Warrior of God.

Music is like the spirit. You can't see it, but it calms you, teaches you and even protects you. Music is one of the greatest tools of God and you are an Angel of Song. No doubt you sang in the Choirs of Heaven. At times you can come off as meek and shy, but you let you light shine with all its strength when you open your mouth to sing or play an instrument. Music not only sets the mood for many of our meetings, but it banishes fear, negativity or any other bad spirit that may hinder the Spirit of God.

Use your music often to not only bless your ward, but to keep your home free of negative spirits. You yearn to do good in the world and always seek for truth and goodness. You want to do right and surround yourself in heavenly light. You keep your home a sanctuary and wish for nothing more than a strong family that can be eternal. You love your spouse and often have separate, but important roles. After years of performing these separate roles you might grow distant so its important to date often, do fun things together and work on projects together.

You work very hard and often have super hero mentality. Everyone can count on you and the ward needs your strong leadership and willing heart. Your faith is a huge part of your life and the center of your world. You seek for truth and light and are never satisfied with only what you have as you know that progression never ends. You often see your journey to heaven as a to do list, that once complete you will gain celestial glory.

God will make up for your shortcoming and is forgiving of not only the big things, but will make you perfect through his atonement for the little things such as forgetting to read your scriptures one day. Don't be sad if you can't do it all. What ever you aren't able to accomplish in this life, you will accomplish with more power and strength in the next life. If you fall into this category you are one of two people: 1.

A friend of another faith. In this case, congratulations on being so brave to take this test. You like to have fun and don't enjoy restrictions as you like to make your own choice of right and wrong. In fact, they avoid most addictive substances. Mormons believe that families remain together after death.

They have a strong sense of family. The Book of Mormon has had this subtitle since Mormons self-identify as Christian and Mormonism is a part of Christian civilization.

However, many non-Mormons do not recognize Mormonism as a Christian religion. Mormons believe in the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Mormons believe in God. Mormonism was founded in New York. The church was founded nearly years ago.

Mormons believe God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are separate entities. Zion is the name of the ideal Mormon utopia. Joseph Smith published the Book of Mormon in Smith was the founder of the Mormon church.

The Mormon health code is known as the Word of Wisdom. The Book of Mormon was named after Mormon, an ancient prophet. Mormon gave the book to Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is the most famous Mormon singing group. The Choir performs in the Salt Lake Tabernacle. Mormons were driven from Missouri in This was called the Mormon War. The Relief Society is a woman's group that is part of the Mormon church. The Relief Society focuses on philanthropy and education. The Mormon practice of plural marriage was officially suspended by the church in The order was issued by then-church president, Wilford Woodruff.

The Council of Fifty was created to represent theocracy after the second coming of Christ. The Council of Fifty was created by Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith was 14 when he had the First Vision. He was visited by the Father and the Son.

The quorum is fashioned after the twelve disciples. In , the Mormon church moved from New York to Utah. Brigham Young led the church out of New York to Utah.


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