What makes you tick hints
From there to the end of the act, it is linear. He will let you have it for free. Go down to the harbor and walk down to the pier where Captain Amayi and her sailors are. Coppelius ring get! And you didn't have to lose any money to get it. Take the right-hand path north from the Ravenhollow Town Square the area just outside the inn. Talk to the kids there. Click up, towards the castle. You'll be told you can't enter.
Talk to the castle guard and mention the stone eagles. Go down, back to the main map, and enter Ravenhollow and go back to the town square. Go back to the castle gate.
Go back into Ravenhollow to where the Kids are Turtle Ln. Go through the narrow alley to the Antique shop. Now go back to the inn and sleep. Go back into the inn and sleep to make it nighttime. After the short scene, talk to him and ask him the time. Go back to the inn and take a nap to make it daytime again. Go to Turtle Ln and give the kids the trophy ring.
Zygmunt ring get! Go back to the main map and go towards the windmill in the upper right. Go into the inn. Turn off the radio on the righthand side.
Talk to the kids and ask them to go through the doggy door. Use the list of frequencies in order to have a radio conversation with a lot of static. Knock on the door of the old mill. Change from day to night by sleeping on the hay in the inn. Go back to the mill and inside.
Use the end of the fishing leader on the metal hook on the shaft. Take the RING from the broken wineglass. Go to the Port Authority in the harbor. Go to the main map and go to the old mill. Change back to daytime. Go see Uncle Slappy at the mill, and talk to him about heaving the statue.
Go to the antique shop. Change to night. Sigmundson ring get! Change to night if it is not night already. Go to the inn, and change the time to day if necessary. Close the open door.
Open the first aid cabinet from the back of the door. Take the contents of the first aid kit. Go to 27, the Trelawney house in Turtle Ln. Enter the elevator and go across the bridge to the other side, into the Smith Institute. Go to the right in order to climb stairs and get close to the telescope. Push the telescope so that the beam of light is pointed towards the safe. Go downstairs. View the slides.
The last slide contains a clock set to Switch to night. Swtich to day. Go back to the antique shop. Look at the castle model, and Mr. Caro will tell you what you want to find in the archives. Go see Mr. Go into the secret passage between 27 and the Smith Institute.
Change the time on the clock to Go to the main map. You'll see the zeppelin fly to the castle. Go to the town square.
A cutscene will take you into Mr. Go to the inn for another cutscene. Enter the castle. Investigate the fish crate. Push Baron Northwest to wake him up. Ring the service bell. Go back up the tower via the secret passage in the castle.
Go to the old mill's cliff. Enter Mr. Go to Turtle Ln. Pick up the CAT. Give the CAT to Mr. Enter the inn. Go to the harbor and then left to the docks. Go back into the castle basement where you found Nathan in the fish crate. Walk over into the previously dark area. Push the painting towards the back. Pull the mysterious shroud that was behind the painting.
Go to the inn. Go to the previously dark area of the castle cellar if you aren't there already. Enter the Smith Institute. Go outside and stand close to the strong box that the guard is guarding. The big propeller has a rusty edge on the bottom. Look out the window of the door. Go outside. Go down-right, to where there is a buried joist in the snow.
Excavate the buried joist by using it. Go back inside. Open the utility panel to the right of Uncle Slappy. Turn off the power to the train platform, and turn on the power to the attractor-1 lift. Use the lift to go up.
Toggle the attractor-1 switch manually. Take the lift down and go back inside. Go up the lab elevator on the train platform. Brief cutscene.
Go right to go to the walkway to the second switch. Some tiles will fall. Toggle the attractor-2 switch. Go inside. Brief cutscene, then take the lab elevator down. Go to the control panel and turn on all three devices. And now, some spoileriffic thoughts about the ending.
I should add some more plot thoughts: I though the rest of the game, and the ending up to that final twist, was fantastic, writing wise. Email Address. Remember personal info? Some notes about leaving Comments: Please consider creating a Casual Gameplay account if you're a regular visitor here, as it will allow us to create an even better experience for you. Sign-up here! Escape from the Haunted Room 2. Click for details The game by Mygames noprops has been originally released in but since it was designed in Flash it hasn't been playable for a while.
Click for details Top designer of wholesome and higly relaxing games Robert Alvarez is back with another puzzle game. Very good. Alex Vi's very stylish game has more than Click for details Welcome to the newest Weekday Escape! For the start we get two microescapes by Gotmail, quick, good looking and not confusing. If you do, then keep doing it.
It might require major changes to make it happen. For those searching, these are the things I have learned from my own quest to find more meaning: most importantly, be patient and kind to yourself. The quest also requires an adjustment to your point of view. Become your own Sherlock Holmes: become interested in what grabs your attention or pulls on your heartstrings.
Remind yourself that this is an individual process and is different for each one of us. Do what works for you in order to get yourself moving. If you feel frozen, take one step— just start moving and remember to trust yourself and the rest will surface.
Once you begin the hunt and move towards your goal, you will run into more experiences and people who support it. Everything has meaning and be sure not to judge what others find meaningful. Just remind yourself that when you do what pulls at your heartstrings, you contribute and add love to the world.
Too much in your head? Get physical. Go work out. Examine the old timetable next to the sailor. Take the leaflet from the timetable. This will not only give you the leaflet but also a fishing hook. Head back to Nora. Use the pair of gloves with the barbed wire fence next to Nora. Go to the right. Try to open the iron gate at the left side of the strange house.
Pick the lock with the barbed wire. Enter the opened gate. Take the piece of string from the little tree at the left. Head back to the sailor. Walk onto the little pier. Time to do some fishing! Attach the cork to the stick with string. Attach the hook to the stick with the cork on the string.
Attach the wriggly worm to the fishing-rod. Use the fishing-rod with bait in the sea. Give the fresh fish to the sailor's dog.
When the dog gets awake, show him 'Captn Matt's Guide to Life'. After the dog has done his trick, pick up the mushroom in front of the dog. In inventory add the Seta de Muerte to the cocktail-shaker. Use the cocktail-shaker to mix the brew. Head back to the crow near the stone well. Feed some sedative seeds to the crow. Repeat this until the crow takes off to take a nap somewhere. Now we only have to find out where the bird has landed! Enter the opened gate at the left side of the strange house.
Take the key from the sleeping crow. Talk to her to find out she isn't feeling to well at the moment. Pick up the piece of a key she drops on the ground. In inventory combine the tiny key part with the key. Head back to the strange house.
Try to open the front door with the larger part of a key. Talk to Nora. Head back to the bench Nora has been sitting on before. Talk to the old man. Pull the door mat in front of the strange house. Pick up the piece of a key. In inventory combine the small key part with the larger part of a key. Open the front door with the large key.