What type of reformer was harriet tubman

She ran away for a period of five days when she was a young girl. As a teenager, when ordered to help tie down another slave as punishment, she refused. The overseer threw a two pound weight at her, striking her and causing an injury that would result in a lifetime of narcoleptic seizures. Despite the threat of physical violence, Harriet Tubman refused to take part in violence inflicted upon fellow slaves.

During the Civil War, Tubman worked as a nurse, helping injured soldiers. She also helped women who were former slaves gain their independence by encouraging them to aid in the war effort by washing and cooking for the soldiers. Tubman was also responsible for sending information on storage, ammunition, and other military spy material to the Union forces while she was traveling through the Confederacy.

Her appearance and experience as a former slave aided her in sneaking through the Confederate States. While traveling, she was able to connect to various networks and aid the escape of slaves. Harriet Tubman remained in poverty for her entire life, but only personally. Her reputation and the high esteem in which she was held in made it easy for her to raise money for her altruistic causes.

Harriet Tubman passed away in in Auburn, New York. Sources used Available through McGrath Library. As a nurse, she cared for black soldiers by working with Clara Barton , founder of the American Red Cross, who was in charge of front line hospitals. She became the only woman in U.

It is the latter activity which caused black feminists in Roxbury, Massachusetts to organize themselves during the seventies as the Combahee River Collective. When Tubman died, she was given a military burial with honors.

It is only fitting that we remember the life of this prominent nineteenth century militant social reformer on the th anniversary of her escape from slavery on 17 September Tubman was born into slavery around to Benjamin and Harriet Ross and given the name Araminta. As a slave child, she worked in the household first and then was assigned to work in the fields.

Her early years as a slave on the Eastern Shore of Maryland were traumatic and she was sickly. An overseer threw an object that accidentally hit Tubman in the head. The head injury she sustained caused her to have seizures and blackouts all of her life.

She even had visions and this combined with her religiosity caused her to believe that she was called by God to lead slaves to freedom. It is believed that her work in the fields gave her the physical stamina to make her rescues.

She was married in to John Tubman, a free black man, but her anxiety about being sold caused her to run away to Philadelphia and leave John behind.

Runaways were rare among slave women, but prevalent among slave men. Between and , Tubman successfully rescued close to family members and other slaves. She became part of a network of prominent abolitionists who created escape havens for passage from the South to Northern cities and then on to Canada. The recent award winning film, Twelve Years a Slave reminds us that even free blacks were subject to being turned in as a runaway after passage of The Fugitive Slave Law of Harriet Tubman National Portrait Gallery.

Details Related. Object Details Artist H. At fifteen, she defied an overseer and was nearly killed when he gave her a "stunning blow to the head. Tubman became an active "conductor" on the Underground Railroad, guiding escaping slaves to freedom.


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