When is boiled corn ready

Any remaining ears can be left in the water for up to 10 minutes without becoming tough. Hmmm, now I'm surprised. I always cook my corn husks minutes.

Gotta try shorter time, aparently! Don't cook more than one or two person at a time - it's hard to get a pot that will hold more anyway, and they cook so quickly it's better to just get up and cook another batch. Don't pour out the water until you're out of corn or everyone's full.

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Place in boiling water? Place in cool water and bring to a boil? Add salt? I start the water to boil and then husk it. Once it's boiling, I add the corn. I don't add salt or anything else to the water. Summer corn doesn't need a lot of toppings to be delicious either, but it can also be a blank canvas for whatever you like: Load it up with herbed butter, shredded cheese, or your favorite spices, like chili powder or everything bagel seasoning.

There are so many fun ways to serve it! You really can't go wrong with fresh corn—as long as you don't overcook it. Not sure how long to boil corn? Or how to choose it in the first place?

Read on for tips and tricks! Don't be shy about peeking under the husk at the store: The top few inches of a corn cob can tell you whether the corn is fresh or not and if the kernels are juicy. Look for little to no missing kernels and make sure that they look shiny and plump. This can be a messy job, so it's best to go outside and work over a trash can or bag. Starting at the tip, grab the husks and as much of the silks as possible and pull down in a few swoops until everything is removed.

Rub off any extra strings with your hands before cooking—it can be a tedious job, but it's worth it! In the summer, my mom served boiled corn on the cob with dinner almost every night. To this day, the thought of that summer sweet corn makes my mouth start watering. My method for how to boil corn on the cob is simple. You only need 1 ingredient: fresh sweet corn! Remove after 10 minutes. This will produce a tender, yet toothsome bite. Fresh, sweet, and unhusked corn will cook the fastest at about 2—5 minutes.

When husked, boil for 10 minutes. If you have a hankering for corn in the dead of winter, you might opt for the frozen version. Unsurprisingly, frozen cobs take longer to boil than their fresh counterparts. Add them to boiling water, lower the heat, and cook them for about 5—8 minutes. Frozen, shucked kernels cook quicker. Add these to boiling water and cook them for 2—3 minutes or until tender.

Frozen corn on the cob will need about 5—8 minutes. Frozen, shucked kernels need just 2—3 minutes. The more you add to a batch, the longer the boiling time. Generally, 4 medium ears measuring 6. Lastly, use plain or slightly sweetened water instead of salted water when boiling to avoid hardening the kernels. The more corn you cook at once, the longer the boiling time. When you need to cook many cobs at once, consider doing so in batches.

Fresh, sweet, unhusked corn will boil the fastest, while husked or frozen cobs will take the longest.


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