Why skateboarders should be banned
Yes they are. They are much better for riding around as they have bigger wheels and a little flex in the board. Scooting speed is much faster than an average walking speed, the scooter is about five times faster if you are riding it at an average pace. Average walking speed is about 2 mph whereas the average scooter is near 10 mph.
Scooters are very fast when compared to an average walking person. Q: Can you use an electric scooter as a normal scooter? A: Yes, most electric scooters can be used as a regular scooter. Look for something more compact, as a big heavy electric scooter will be challenging to push manually. Rideshare electric scooters have an average lifespan of months. Privately-owned e-scooters with proper care and maintenance tend to last at least years, likely much longer than that.
Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Skip to content Home Sociology Why is skateboarding banned in public places? Ben Davis May 5, Why is skateboarding banned in public places?
Why do cities hate skateboarders? Is it illegal to skateboard anywhere? Why Should skateboarding be illegal? Why do skaters have a bad reputation? Which body part is most often injured while skateboarding? For many skateboarders, encounters with business owners, security staff, and police are a natural part of being a skateboarder. The bottom line is that skateboarders need a place to go.
Stiff enforcement of anti-skateboarding ordinances, which the skateboarders most certainly had no voice in shaping, has created a pressure cooker situation. Skateboarders need a skatepark, at least! Nobody really wants to criminalize skateboarding. There are more towns with laws preventing skateboarding than there are skateparks. Creating laws that seek to prevent skateboarding is unimaginative and undermines the natural inclination of youth to be active, social, and engaged with their community.
In spite of this, they are drafted and unanimously passed all the time. There are too few people speaking on behalf of skateboarders, and that is why people like you are so important. A skatepark allows skaters to form a positive, healthy community. A park is a gathering place for the community. A skatepark is a gathering place for the local skateboarders. Through the skatepark, the public sees skaters for what they are: brave, athletic youth with a passion for skateboarding. The stereotypes that may have plagued skateboarders before the skatepark are quickly forgotten.
There are over six-million skateboarders in the United States. Most of them are 24 years old or younger. BoardTrac According to the U. Census there are about million people in the United States between the ages of 5 and Therefore, 7. Should Hunting Be Illegal? Hunting is an extremely controversial topic in the United States. There are many people that support hunting and think that it is an acceptable thing to do.
There are also many people who are strongly opposed. Ever since the ancient Greek Agora people have been excluded from public spaces. The Greeks banned women, slaves and those visiting the city from other countries. In modern cities, we look to ban or make it difficult for groups that are felt would break perceived codes of conduct within our public spaces.
This has led to areas being designed with defensive architecture, for example anti skateboarding devices. In , Nike was introduced by BRS as the new brand of athletic footwear, the name was for the Greek winged goddess of victory.
The Nike's mission is. Would you describe Red Bull as a national, a European or a global brand — give reasons? Who are the principal target segments for Red Bull and how are they positioned towards these target segments? As long as the privilege isn't abused, skateboarding is a good way to get around, and a good way to get much needed exercise for some people.
Skateboarding is a sport just as any other. People who play football, play in the park. People who play basketball play at a local court. So their should be a designated place for skateboarding rather than loitering in parking lots.
Banning it is a drastic move and is unnecessary. Why should it be banned? Sure it can be dangerous but theres a much greater chance of you dying on your way to the skatepark in a car accident then actually dying at the skatepark if you are thinking about banning skateboarding then you should consider banning cars too because A: A skateboard doesnt pollute the air B: If an old man gets run over by a car he most likely dies but if the man gets run over by a skateboard he will most likely live C: A skateboard doesnt require a license D: Wheel clamping a skateboard would be stupid E: There would be much more space at parking lots F: A skateboard is way cheaper G: A skateboard is better exercise H: A skateboard looks cooler Lynn Perie answered.
It shouldn't be banned. Perhaps you can skate at your local skateboarding park or facility. Kids around my neighborhood are allowed to skate anywhere except business properties.
I think personally anybody that who doesn't like skateboarding or thinks it should b banned deserves a slap except old people cus I understand why they might be freaked out by something that can make a krrrrrrr sound but it shouldn't be banned.
There are many reason's why skateboarding shouldn't be banned, but if they did take skateboarding away, they would be taking away a great form of transportation.
They would also be opening up an opportunity for kids to start taking drugs more, because they'd be taking drugs instead of skateboarding!
Brent Mydland answered. Oh my God, yep lets take away one of the largest individual sports kids have today. Lets get them really bored and hooked on drugs. Lazy lothargic wasteoids. Mabey if people push hard enough we can break all of their ankles and put an end to this haneous, extremely difficult, graceful, sport. Football can't even compete. Skaters can play football but I don't think the inverse is true.
I still skate when I can, I am 33 and played college football, so I am qualified to make these statements. By the way ESPN rated motorcross racing the most physically demanding sport in America and a superb way to spend quality time with your family.
I raced for 5 years also and I never touched drugs or got into trouble. Can you say that about all your scholastic athaletes. I have heard this bs since ' So let it go. If you have not noticed action sports have been booming the last 11 yrs.
We are here to stay. Dan MacRae answered. I skated over 3 years and everytime I skate somewhere in the parking lot or somewhere in town I get kicked off and I am not aloud to skateboard in the town no more.. Cops are gay because they give out tickets and no they are taking boards away..
If we can't skate in town give us a place to skate like a skate park or even a little something This is y I am against it!
I have skateboarded for 4 years now every where I go, I get stopped by the police either to get checked for drugs just bc I'm a skateboarder and also bc its banned from every spot in my town but back roads and a little parking lot at the park, I have already gotten a 87 dollar fine, for skateboarding in the square, it needs to be changed An older gentleman from the UK was roller skating around a market.
Many passed by with disgruntled demeanor, as the fellow had a grand ol' time reliving his youth. He also was sited a ticket, and admonished by store keepers. Someone even shouted, "Grow Up! Without pause to his actions, he enjoyed himself, and could care less about outside opinion and rebuke. My hats off to this elder, and may he continue.
More or less, I am of the view-; If you can skate without incident among pedestrians and in public Also most often it is property management who will give you a hard time, while in fear of not having insurance for accidents. Why would you even ask a question like that. Penny Kay answered. I empathize with you. I believe that more Skateboard facilities need to be created. None of your Buisness answered. In this case you might as well ban bike riding.
I don't think that it should be banned its a sport so back off. Jack Sizer answered. If you ban it I will shoot you. Kevin Curtis answered.