Why testicular torsion causes
Testicular torsion also called testis torsion requires immediate surgery to fix. If it goes on too long, it can result in severe damage to the testicle and even its removal. Most cases of testicular torsion are in males who have a genetic condition called the bell clapper deformity. Normally, the testicles are attached to the scrotum, but in this condition the testicles aren't attached, and are more likely to turn and twist within the scrotum.
Torsion can happen to boys and men of any age, but is most common in to year-olds. It can happen after strenuous exercise, while someone is sleeping, or after an injury to the scrotum. Often, though, the exact cause isn't known.
If your son has testicular torsion, he'll feel a sudden, possibly severe pain in his scrotum and one of his testicles. The pain can get worse or ease a bit, but probably won't go away completely.
If your son has sudden groin pain, get him to a hospital emergency room as soon as you can. Because surgery might be necessary, it's important to not give your son anything to eat or drink before seeking medical care.
Sometimes, the spermatic cord can become twisted and then untwist itself without treatment. This is called torsion and detorsion , and it can make testicular torsion more likely to happen again in the future. If your son's spermatic cord untwists and the pain goes away, it might be easy to dismiss the episode, but you should still call a doctor. Surgery can be done to secure the testicles and make testicular torsion unlikely to happen again.
When you get to the hospital, a doctor will examine your son's scrotum, testicles, abdomen, and groin and might test his reflexes by rubbing or pinching the inside of his thigh.
Merck Manual Professional Version. Accessed March 31, Walls RM, et al. Selected urologic disorder. Philadelphia, Pa. Accessed March 1, Ferri FF. Testicular torsion. In: Ferri's Clinical Advisor Bowlin PR, et al.
Pediatric testicular torsion. Surgical Clinics of North America. Eyre RC. An operation is usually still needed afterwards to fix the testis in place. If you are worried about your appearance after you have had a testis removed, it may be possible for a surgeon to put a false testis into the scrotum.
Some boys and men have warning pains in a testicle testis every now and then, before a full-blown twisting torsion. These occur suddenly, last for a few minutes, then ease just as suddenly. These pains occur if a testis twists a little and then returns back to its normal place on its own. An operation to fix the testes in place is usually advised if these warning pains occur. This is because it is likely that at some point a testis will twist fully and emergency surgery will be needed. A planned operation to fix the testes is preferable to waiting for a full-blown torsion to occur.
Both how badly the testis has twisted and how long it stays twisted for are important in the outcome. If correcting surgery happens within six hours of torsion, 9 or 10 out of 10 testes will be saved on average. If surgery is delayed until hours then only one testis is saved out of If a testis cannot be saved and has to be removed, then an implant can be inserted later to restore the appearance of the scrotum to normal.
Research suggests that early treatment is most likely to preserve the ability to father children. Longer delays to treatment and removal of a testis may reduce that ability. J Pediatr Surg. Epub Aug Hi I am 20 years old and for the past 2 years whenever I ejaculate after not doing so for at least 5 days it will be painful in my testicles during ejaculation and the semen will be yellowy-green in Disclaimer: This article is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions.
Egton Medical Information Systems Limited has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Other symptoms include:. If you have a sudden pain in your scrotum, call a doctor and get to a hospital or doctor's office as soon as you can. Don't eat or drink anything until you've seen a doctor and found out if you'll need surgery. Testicular torsion is an emergency: When it happens, a guy needs surgery — fast.
Saving the testicle becomes more difficult the longer the spermatic cord stays twisted. Sometimes, the spermatic cord can become twisted and then untwist itself without treatment.
This is called torsion and detorsion , and it can make testicular torsion more likely to happen in the future. If your spermatic cord untwists and the pain goes away, it might be easy to ignore it, but you should call the doctor anyway. He or she can check you out and take steps to make testicular torsion unlikely in the future. Talking to someone about your private parts might seem a little embarrassing. It's really important, though, to tell a parent or contact a doctor if you have pain in your scrotum.
Ignoring pain for too long or simply hoping it goes away can result in severe damage to your testicle and might lead to your testicle being removed. Even if a pain in your scrotum goes away on its own, you still need to tell a parent or doctor. A torsion that goes away makes you more likely to have another torsion in the future. Doctors can greatly reduce your risk of another torsion by doing a simple surgical procedure that secures your testicles to your scrotum. When you arrive at the hospital or doctor's office and describe your condition, the staff and doctors will assume you have a testicular torsion, even if the pain turns out to be something different.
A doctor will examine your scrotum, testicles, abdomen, and groin and might test your reflexes by rubbing or pinching the inside of your thigh. This normally causes the testicle to contract, which probably won't happen if you have a testicular torsion.