Drama can you hear my heart episode terakhir
T: he did it to make sure WK would stay yours and not change. I didnt even think that your grandpa left a separate will. D is singing the same song as he gets dressed.
D goes to his office and M shows up. D says he got a call from France and they want something sent to them — I came to say that and to let MS handle it and keep in touch with France from now on. M: MS? D: it just happened that way. M:what is it that you really want? D: you know that I want to do both. M: then shouldnt you be thanking me? D: I wanted to do that myself with my own hands. M seems really affected by those words. D shows up to meet choi. D asks the men to leave so he can speak to the president.
D asks if choi is feeling well asking about his health. I dont know what you plan to reveal at the hearing but you are making a mistake. D starts to speak informally from here on: how can a crime that no one can forgive already disappear?
D shows choi the handwritten paper and holds it up. D: you know what this is dont you? D: choi — like you said to my grandpa-cuz of this one piece of paper-you commit murder? D: you made the choice. D: throwing away your last chance was your decision too. D leaves. M meets with the board. M says he is in charge of WK now. M: that will be revealed that day. M asks: dont you know just from watching — for D to reveal that will- he isnt just wanting to get his fortune back.
M: we dont have much time — convince the other members first and I will look into kang. T asks who and goes out. D says he told him to come. D asks T to bring some drinks to his room.
T asks to speak to D alone for a second, but D says later. D says: even if you return all the money, mom wont forgive you so easily. D starts to say — if everyone finds out what choi and S — the two parents and criminals did then… this is why D didnt finish his sentence — he knows how much this will hurt M cuz the whole world will know both his parents are criminals D says he wants to try to do it by leaving out S and asks kang to help him.
S remembers what choi said. S:what are you going to do to M? S: why me? I wasnt there when that murder happened is there a witness that I was there as a witness? W asks grandma to talk with her. Y comes upstairs too. Y asks what she is doing. W asks Y and grandma to move to seoul- to the home M got for them. Y says their home is here. W: I did say that but we have to go- M oppa is waiting for us.
Y: we are the ones who waited for him. I wont go. S tells her mom to knock. W asks her grandma to think it over one more time. W tells her dad to tell grandma to move.
Y: if M sees me he will be embarrassed and M will get angry. S to W: you heard something from M didnt you? W says she wants everyone to live together cuz M might be lonely.
S says never mind. W asks isnt S in agreement of moving. S is conflicted about what to do-when I think about him I should be by his side-I just want to run away somewhere. W: why is everyone like this — why did we wait 16 yrs?
M doesnt say it but he misses his family. S says she doesnt want to hear that. W suggests just visiting the home that M wants to buy. Y: he really did? W asks if they are going and says she is calling M. W asks what she is doing instead of sleeping.
W says she should have made this tm with her. S says M wont eat that-didnt her mom learn anything from S to do stuff like this. S tells her mom to sleep and tells W to clean up. W starts to help her. Y says M likes sausage more than kimchi so should we buy him sausage. W adds that when they gave M sausauge as a side dish he never had any leftovers.
D is signing some documents. MS says he isnt trying to come back to work quickly so why ask her to bring the paperwork. D: are you trying to make fun of me when you know I was fired. D: then should we see a spy movie? D asks if kang is meeting the board and if talks are going ok. MS: you are not fun too. D:what about with W? D: yes — that is why I miss her. D : KMS — get revenge later- I have a favor to ask you.
S and the family go to see the home. S asks him about M. Y: if M sees me he will get mad. W says to the guy that M said he would come — did something happen. In OSN, a different kind of lack of resolution manifested itself in the series ending.
It was disappointing that none of the serious story lines were resolved. His facial expression showed deep regret and the fact he was not over JI. The series ends with most the characters still swimming in a sea of regrets and unresolved issues. I do appreciate that the writer did not end with a rushed happy ending wedding scene.
She went to KS not to renew a friendship but to finally close it. She quit her job to close the harassment issues behind her. And seeing JH in Jeju was the same opportunity to close the book on him since he was returning the US in three days, the issues of their break-up still unresolved, and they were never heading toward talking a real future together. JH asked for forgiveness, but forgiveness without an acknowledgement of what you did wrong is not an apology.
A couple of hugs is a While others thought the end of Noona was a new beginning for the leads, I felt that walking along the beach at sunset represented the end, closure of their time together because there was still no justifiable reason for them to be together.
Conversely, OSN ended with the couple rolling playfully in bed which harks back in the early part of the Noona series. Was this intentional? It seemed like the Noona episodes were cards that were merely reshuffled into the OSN series. Episodes 29 and 30 should have been in the middle of the series and the long, drawn out, nonsensical break-up plot should have ended in an early episode.
Yes, she changed partners but her pattern seems to be the same. She changed KS by him giving up his music career, which sowed the seeds of his later bitterness. Now, she is attempting to change JH by making him sign pledges against drinking and lies, which is like laying down future land mines in their relationship. We only received a muted taste of that potential conflict. The performances in OSN were much more reserved and the emotional range muted as the pace of the story line of the break-up was too long, too tedious, to give rise to character and relationship growth.
Viewers loved the first 8 episodes of passionate Noona, but then hated the rest of the series as the relationship cooled and the side issues clouded the intentions of the parties. In OSN, it appeared that the slow pace had many viewers on edge to when the story would go off the rails. In the end, the lead OSN couple did not complete any of the hurdles to allow them to happily marry. Both shows did have the same major story elements: a chance meeting, initial attraction, issues with dislikable boyfriends, oppressive parent, relationship objections, lies, betrayal, mistrust, miscommunication, poor decision making, unpacked personal baggage, and touching moments.
Both series showed there is a fine line between romance and love. Romance is a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with the search for love; an exciting, enjoyable love affair, esp. The Noona series captured that mood. However, this romance never developed into a deep, intense, serious relationship with long terms goals.
OSN ended with the main characters just starting their romantic journey with many obstacles, like in the beginning of Noona. There will always be a huge question mark after each show. But that is how realistic the show tried to be. Relationships require hard work to be successful, but sometimes even all the effort we put into our romances just isn't enough and they eventually fizzle out. Of course, it's only natural to wonder why you keep striking out when it comes to finding a lasting love.
Romantic relationships are a two-way street and it's up to both people to make it a prosperous one. However, we can only control our own part in a relationship. And it helps to know who we are as individuals and what we each need and want from a relationship. It can be hard for us to admit that sometimes we're the reason for the disintegration of a relationship. If the endings were trying to convey the notion there is always a second chance, that is an illusion.
Second chances rarely turn out well. The reason in Noona simple: you broke up for a reason s. The pain of a break up can erase the initial feelings of attraction and love.
Hate is a powerful emotion. In this situation, both JA and JH have not come to terms on the reasons for their break up. They have not Both of them deeply hurt the other - - - and that pain is still unresolved in each of them.
One hug cannot wash away those emotions. In OSN, the second chances were to find a soul mate. JH was still not over how his relationship with Yumi ended. He was given a second chance with JI, who may not know why her relationship with KS failed, but is willing to reach out farther over the edge to explore happiness with JH. OSN was a softer, milder, less spicy version of Pretty Noona.
Both female lead characters were women who were trying to find their rightful place in a relationship. Both had failed in the past. The open question is whether they would learn from their past mistakes. In OSN, the answer was intentionally left unanswered by the writer and director.
The director cast OSN in more darkness, trying to convey the dark clouds over the main leads, to the point of making the characters appear more reserved and pensive. As to the story lines, it was both sides of the same coin. In Noona, the leads were powerful together in good private times but weak in their public moments. In OSN, they were always doubting whether they were right for each other to cloud both the good and bad times in their relationship. While the Noona pair rushed into their romance to crash and burn, the OSN pair waited and waited to be picked from the vine before the fruit rotted in the sun.
The biggest weakness in both series was the story writing. Both series could have been better plotted out to reach the full potential of the characters. The lack of dialogue beyond the superficial comments at critical moments was a glaring weakness in both shows.
I know that most viewers will prefer OSN over Noona because in the end, the OSN leads were still together actively trying to make their relationship work. But to me, that seems like a hollow victory after 30 episodes of being stuck in neutral. I wonder if the characters jobs, a librarian and pharmacist, symbolize the dull and repetitive personalities of each that lead to dull and repetitive relationships in their personal lives.
It struck me that JA and JH had a difficult time getting out of their defensive shells to open up to each other in a lasting way. In the end of each series, all that was left was the hope that the OTP couples would stay together. I am in the minority but I believe a well-written drama where the leads do not end up together is better than a story that leads to an unclear and ambiguous ending.
I think that is what happened in both series. I just want to applaud you for this thesis. I remember your comments at the end of Pretty Noona, and they really helped me reconcile myself with the direction the show took. Thanks for your insights here as well. I've only read half so far. Going back to finish. In One Spring Night the end it's not ambigous. Nobody can know what it will happen in the futur. Our couple knows that, they know that they will have obstacles, clashes, etc.
The drama tells only the first part of their story, it doesn't mean it's badly written, it's just a choice. But they gave a lot of reasons to believe in this couple during all the episodes. I don't think to be a librarian and a pharmarcist is dull. They're normal people in normal world with normal struggles like us.
For Pretty Noona, the fact they had a difference of age made everybody thought their relationship was not serious and not possible. It wore their relationship out. They're not mature and strong enough to handle that. But their reunion after so long showed that they really had a bond but they needed to believe in it and fight for it. But everytime they made each other stronger together. Totally agree with you. The reason why JI hesitated at took so long to start her new relationship was because she hardly knew the new man unlike JA who grew up with JH.
And also because, however dull her relationship with her boyfriend was, she was still in it unlike JA, who broke up before starting her new relationship. This is a big difference. We really don't have any idea of timeline, or all of the conversations that were had between our OTP, but their honest and forthright conversations along with their willingness to be vulnerable in front of each other, and the fact that they actually love and care deeply for each other, I think, would augur well for them in the long term.
With regard to the show's ending, clearly not all of the challenges had been resolved, and there was a sense that they would not be rushing into marriage. But in that intervening period, they would be committed to each other, and would continue to strengthen the union they are building, which I think is the best, and most realistic, ending we could have hoped for in lives and situations that are not perfect and not without difficulty.
Did u guys notice the soundtrack?? It changed with their relationship status. To finally Spring Waltz. Yes, I noted that as well! Some of the songs, especially No Direction I think , were used quite effectively throughout series.
I'm happy to say that I enjoyed all the songs in One Spring Night but my complaint is their overuse. The verses fit particularly well with the story line but the repetition became annoying. My wish for this director is to invest in some instrumental pieces for background and not the constant repeat of the songs.
Less is more! This is a significant problem in Pretty Noona. I tried to watch again and had to mute "Stand By Your Man" every time it played which is depressingly frequent. I finally gave up. I agree. The songs were great, but they were waaay over used. A little more variety, and then I would have appreciated the 3 main songs more. So thanks all! What happens to JI and JH and their attempt to make a family.
All sorts of conflicts in setting up living and working arrangements. Can they build on their love? What happens to Seo In as she becomes the next single parent. Really, there's tons of stories they could take on from her standpoint especially as a psuedo-celebrity.
Ki Seok: can he find himself a new love or will he give in to his father and just go for the assemblyman's daughter assuming she doesn't mind an arranged marriage. What does he really want? Would love to see him in a band, even if its just for fun. I wanted a season 2 focused on Seo In becoming a single mother and a season 3 focused on Jae In finding what she wants to do.
Is there anyway we can tell. I wish they actually take out seasons But the problem is the main characters won't take secondary roles It's not the PD but their agency that matters Korean artist are very restricted with their contracts.
I became a fan of Joon Hae-in after Pretty Noona. And random thought - the actor for Shi Hoon looked really handsome in the lunch scene. His character is funny and smart. OMG that's where I've been seeing him. He's very savvy as the speech writer and now press secretary. I really enjoyed this drama to the very end. I wasn't planning on watching this at all but thank goodness I did. It was the endearing cuts that got me hooked. I really liked that it didn't have a lot of plot twists and too dramatic antics because I just loved the realness of this drama.
I thought I was gonna hate Giseok's father the most but Principal Lee was a whole different story. I tried to understand him but it was really hard. He remained stuck to his beliefs but he's an old man with a very public, very moral image and that's what I tried to support his stubbornness with.
In any case, this drama was so worth it. This drama was very well-done, very well-written. I loved the tone throughout, I appreciated that it wasn't over the top, but that it dealt with real, social issues at the same time. It was a cool, real, and nice drama, with great acting and I'm glad I watched it! I know I am in the minority here. Although I enjoyed watching this, it was a pretty 'eh' show. Moody was the adjective that always came to mind. It seemed we were told about the personal interactions but not really shown them.
I didn't see any real spark or magnetism between the two main leads, we were just told they were in love. And I didn't think the ex was that bad a guy.
We were just told he was. He did act like a jealous fool, but then he was dumped by his girlfriend for someone else. And our leading lady? She was pretty mean and insensitive. Because I wasn't convinced about what a jerk her ex was, I didn't fully buy into why she had to be so mean to him. So her meanness, just came across as, well, mean. I don't think she had to stay with him, I just think there are nicer and not so nice ways to dump a boyfriend of 4 years.
And her reaction to drunken Ji-ho when he wore his heart on his sleeve? It was to get mad at his 'drunken' behavior. He was showing his heart, being honest, and all she did was get offended. And he has a kid that must come first.
Expressing his worries seems to me a natural and very reasonable thing to do. It didn't seem like she got that at all, or got how having a kid would change one's approach to commitment. So, I enjoyed watching this, but give me pretty noona anyday. I don't have to always like characters decisions to appreciate a show. But I bought into their dynamics much more than I did in this show.
This is exactly what I felt about OSN. And as you said, we were told, now shown, that the characters are this and that, I didn't buy that JH fell for JI after that brief encounter at his pharmacy.
Together and laughing, they run forward. Really, Moon Lovers? Not one hint that Su would find her present day So? Not even after that line? You chose to show a piece of flashback footage instead?
Jin vibes, in that both were adaptations of much more successful foreign dramas, both protagonists woke up in the present day remembering the past, and no questions were ever answered. While we can point to failures on many levels, it was really the execution that bogged this show down, and that was never more apparent than in the episodes leading up to this finale.
Nothing solidified that more than when we found out she was pregnant this episode, which was something she already knew. Who were we following?
Why did it matter? I hate how bad finales bring up existential questions, but I sat for a good five minutes after this show ended just trying to think of the why of it all.
What were the resonant themes? Where was the dramatic clarity, or tension? How did Su hope to solve anything by leaving?
If her main reason was her pregnancy, then we were really cheated when it came to her realization happening off-screen. But instead it felt like she left because she just had to, but she missed So every day because she left. So why?
Why anything? By the time we reached the end, I realized that what was missing was a central conflict. Unfortunately for So, he was virtually nonexistent for much too long, and we only knew he would be important later on by virtue of him being played by Lee Jun-ki.
Your email address will not be published. I for one would have totally changed the ending scene with another one After Wang So said that he will find her i would have made a transition somehow to the modern time were the present one would have found Ha Jin while crying and handled her a handkerchief and on the note said something like i found you,giving the couple and us a sense of hope I usually hate reincarnation troupes because the person is not the same but i think in this case it would have worked and would end it better than it did I think Jung has the happiest ending among them all i must say Using my mental mojo to hope that the writer behind Signal would give him a love call to star in her next historical drama,or at least JG choose one with a happy ending!!!
Lee Jun Ki announced in a fan meeting of his that there was more to the end than that and there are pictures of him shooting scenes in present day. Although I was disappointed the emotional quotient was really high in this I agree I bawled so much. I think I started when that singer announced that she was going to sing a song that made the king fall in love with a court lady.
And when So 's daughter bumped into him just like Su did If nothing this show manages its parallels perfectly. And that last shot of them laughing I don't know why but it hurt so much as if they could be happy but they never had the chance. In the original she actually sees him at the exposition yet she chooses to take her glasses off and only sees him blury as she knows the man isin't the one she loved yet the scene is there Don't see why make him film all this scenes and even more for the final if they don't show them The SBS edited only one scene from the original version and that is were Queen Mom tells Wook she wants to ake his son to the palace and make him king.
I'm contemplating whether I'm desperate enough to watch the Chinese Scarlet heart season two just to get some closure. But then no LJK so I'm pretty sure ill last about two minutes before giving up.
I heard the sequel to Scarlet Heart 2 c-version is really bad and will ruin everything amazing about Scarlet Heart 1 c-version so I left it at that and was just happy to hear Nicky Wu and Cecilia Liu got married - they had their happy ending in real life! Sadly, I watched the drama Scarlett Heart 2 before 1. It was long and good until halfway when it went makjang crazy and had a few gotchas and a very unsatisfactory ending.
It was depressing to invest that much time into a show without getting any satisfying closure, so I wouldn't watch it. After that, I started Scarlett Heart 1, and it was so magnificent and compelling, but when the angst started halfway, I had to stop watching. I just couldn't watch the sad after the long tragic sequel that sort of ended happy Are they dead? Was that just a fake out? Are they really going to be friends with the guy who tried to kill them?
Anyway, if you watch Scarlett Heart 1, I am sure you'll be presently surprised and it will probably cure the heartache for this show, except that it also ends sadly, with only a bit of hope. IMHO, I think you can only watch it if you are willing to go through the angst again. I couldn't do it. So they had to cut and paste the drama in post-editing to remove the time-travel bit, and ended up with a nonsensical mess.
Please stay away from Scarlet Heart 2. It's bloody awful not only as a sequel to Scarlet Heart, but as a general series. That thing was a cash grab and got screwed over even further by the censorship. It added nothing to Scarlet Heart and was only tangibly link to the original in the dumbest, wackiest ways. If anything that is worse than ML. I have now followed BBJX 1 and 2. And watched most of ML.
I never want to go near this series again. I kept hoping the ending would make more sense. All 3 freaking dramas didn't. I am so angry with myself for watching all 3. What a makjang ending! No LJK in modern times. That's weird. Hopefully they will have an additional or alternative ending in the DVD or online version just to pacify the viewers.
For a pre production drama this is a pretty bad finale. I hope LJK picks up a better drama in the future coz he deserves better than this messy plot and melodramatic end.
I was quite mentally prepared that I can't get a satisfying ending with the things I went through in Moon Lovers just to get to this point. And yet, I am still as speechless as to how this ended. I'm already laughing when HeadsNo2 mentioned the "obligatory flashback. Can't believed I made it up to this point. I just love the cast too much. Definitely worth watching the original C-drama. The plot was better and because it was much longer than 20 episodes you get full character development without so many 'huh' moments.
The reason why Jung replaced the envelop which Su wrote was because it was considered 'treason' to have the 'same' handwriting as the king The missing bit here was that the letters would be vetted before being passed to the King and in this case, you get the impression that letters are passed to So directly so Jung's action didn't make sense. Five minutes and I was out. DramaQueen But the letter wasn't passed directly from Jung to So if you meant physically passing from one to the other.
And if that eunuch was the head eunuch, there were probably more "layers" of people involved to go from one level to the next The characters are flushed out and you get to see how Ruoxi developed such a deep bond with the various princes.
Don't wanna give too much away, but it is a worthwhile watch in my opinion. Season 2 was something that seemed forced just so there can be a sequel. The plot and character development are flimsy though I do like the cast--they kept the two leads plus some side characters, but switched up some other characters.
There's also a lot more PPL since it's modern day. Don't watch the Chinese one. It is fucking stupid. Don't worry, this one is sad, but the next one will end up happy. I couldn't finish it. The second season started out okay but it quickly devolved into nonsense. AND the original has a 2nd series set in the present All that has probably gone off the rails because of the low ratings, but I bet that the original expectation was for:. And if you think of it like that, all the shortcomings and problems we've seen become almost inevitable.
This wasn't a tightly crafted telling of a self-contained story; this was 20 episodes of prologue, meant to set up the next 20 modern day episodes. Of course there's not going to be a full story with some sort of actual conclusion, because then what would everyone do when the action moves to ? I loved all the actors in this so much and I wanted to love the show as a whole I don't get the impression that this was ever its own thing - somebody got greedy and wanted a franchise-starter.?
OMG you've explained the entire drama! I did love the entire show as a beautifully told prologue. And the last episode was definitely setting itself up as a sequel premise:. Agree with u percent! An ending must suffer because of the production team is planning on thr next sequel. I felt like that too. They could have edited the SBS version though because They have shot scenes with LJK in the present but I suppose since theyd already edited the international version they couldn't make such a high difference in the end.
I've watched a lot of dramas now where it's obvious they thought they'd have an extension, and when they don't get it, the end always feels ridiculously rushed. Then you get the flip side where dramas get an extension, and then it's just whatever mess too.
So if the Chinese Censors banned time travel, does that mean if there is to be a ML2, they will refuse money from China investors so as to not have a similar mess, or we are all going to be ready to burn SBS down?
Not at all. The book only lasted till the present day after she woke up, and the drama is adapted from the book so it's not meant to be a set up for another series. The only reason why a second series spawned was because the first was a mega mega hit and they wanted to milk it. And the sequel was always going to be shit, disregarding the censorship issues. I'm sure that's what they were expecting. But I don't think that's what messed it up.
From my viewpoint it started with the show's concept and the problems flowed from there. By trying for a youth sageuk they incorporated actors that needed special handling. Which made the show disconnected. To suit that concept they oriented the soundtrack toward the youth market; but it ended up disrupting the mood of the scenes.
Who in their right mind would think rap is a good theme for scenes of budding romance? Eventually, the plot seemed to do little more than bounce back and forth erratically between attempts to reference the original drama and attempts to maintain historical accuracy.
But there was only a threadbare effort to tie them together. Like making time jumps to keep the dates right but giving no plot justification for it. Or coronations, marriages and deaths that occured with little buildup and even less fanfare.
Or a transition of romantic interest, responses to deaths and decisions to leave the palace that made sense in the original but not in this drama. Paroles I don't remember her waking up in the book Yes in SC1 Chinese version she does wake up in the present but that doesn't happen in the novel. Ruoxi died and that was it. The C-drama changed the ending to make it more hopeful for viewers with the added present day portion plus museum reunion.
That, in turn, paved the way for the sequel, which ended up being bad since it wasn't penned by the original author and they just wanted to milk the series as you said.
NutellaFitzgerald Totally agree! This open ending is obvious that there would be plans for a sequel. Just that this show ended up being a domestic flop in terms of ratings, so now I don't know if they will or can proceed with a season 2.
It did receive a lot of love in other countries though But the thing is, the source and the C-series are so rich in content that you can never condense that into 20 ep's. It would naturually mean that you begin cutting out so many things that the original intent became lost and distorted.
That's why there was no fluidity with the storytelling; not to mention, having to watch 3 versions of the same show is just a headache. I think this is exactly right. The way they spent so much time after Soo-Hee's death, giving updates on all the brothers even awful Won I wondered why Baek Ah met the girl with the name Bok-soon and the familiar jewelry.
Would that have been the name, or a clue, to season 2? Otherwise, why emphasize it? Wook had to start "loving" his first wife more in his flashback, because he can't be a contender in a season 2.
This way he'll be in the future atoning for the way he treated his first wife, not manipulating to get Hae Soo. The second that Baekhyun song started playing I was shouting at the screen, oh hell no don't you dare stop here not without giving us some closure. In hindsight though as sad as the ending was I suppose in a way it was far more powerful than the trope of them meeting in the future.
That flashback piggy back scene I suppose I finally understood why Su kept on going back and forth with So it's because she never loved him that much even though she knew how much he loved her. And I suppose it was some sort of redemption for her character to say that if I get a second chance at this on my home turf I will make sure to love you with my whole heart.
Thanks Su, we watched twenty episodes just for you to promise that you'd love him completley only if you meet in the future. In hindsight I don't think any ending would have made me happy unless So magically transported to 21st century Korea. I'm strangely ok with not seeing them meet up in the future. I was sure they would meet, but I kind of like ending it this way I can see all that is wrong with the editing and production choices, yet of everything airing, this is what I looked forward to all these weeks.
I thought the ending was as good as they might have done, linking history through art and the present day without too much bubblegum. I was even okay if she honestly, as she said she would, forgot everything.
I think she do love him very much Afraid to dream to give him a child since he become so untouchable for her. I think chae ryong thing is already being forgiven since she see the faults of her friend, but it is sad nevertheless of loosing a best friend in such tragic way and Wang so being so distant when he act as a King She's tired and afraid of the palace For me, that is why she choose to leave and love him from afar I'm okay with them not meeting in the future.
I know a lot of fans wanted to have at least a hopefull ending where Wang So meets Go Ha Jin in the future, come on we stuck 20 eps not to mention the research, watching all the versions, discussing with everyone just to set straight the confusing story with it might as well get a happy ending since this is kdrama but them not meeting in the future is also a satisfying one.
Daniel wonders what will make it right, and Kwan replies that she wants the truth, does he truly feel that Fahsai is better than her? And if so, why did he agree to marry her? Kwan suggests that they give it another go, she takes his hand and says that they should be together for love and not because they are a perfect match. She thinks of an excuse of their broken engagement and envisions a new wedding. Her dad watches this from the sideline but finally goes to his daughter as she gets her heart handed to her.
Dad promises that one day she will find a man that truly loves her. Eit intercepts Fahsai on the road but she gives him the cold shoulder. The gossipmongers lament that Fahsai is a bad omen in their company, she has caused them a lot of opportunities, namely this most recent event.
They surmise that maybe she ought to just get herself stranded on an island so that Daniel could go rescue her and they can be alone. Not a bad idea.. Nuth and Pui Fai go to bat for her and ask if they need to provide evidence that the bad guys were truly after Fahsai.
Chief is at wits end with the marketing girls and fires both of them. He argues that Jane and Nu Dee had been the one to start shit this time around, and he means business. Serves them right! But the three Lola girls do feel badly that it had to come to this. He seems to have foreseen that Fahsai would reject his offer, so A-Jo lament that Boss will take care of her himself if she declines the offer. But we see that she tries to find a way out as Officer Thep reports to Nuth that Fahsai has requested his protection.
Officer Thep is curious though on what transpired with Fahsai and whether it had anything to do with Daniel. She adds that it hurts when he says he loves someone else. Now that is a shocker of the century for him, as his hands fall to his sides. Nuth wonders if he hates her now that he knows the truth.
He takes her hands and teases her, asking why she loves him. Chern Piu wonders if Daniel is going to succumb. Pornchai makes his rounds and demands payment from the interest. Instead of meeting Tian Kong, Daniel shows up before Pornchai and hires him to rescue big bro from Tian Kong, he just need to name the price.
Tian Kong says that those big bosses are pulling out now that they heard Chernming is still alive, but he intends on killing them all once he gets his hands on the black book. This seems to validate what Daniel was saying. We see Pornchai order his men to escort big bro out of the holding.
But before they could even drive away, Tian Kong intercepts them and finishes them all off. Well done! Haha, is this a matchmaking attempt by our guards? Too cute. Fahsai stammers around for an excuse. The moment does give them an opportunity to talk, Daniel asks after her parents.
Daniel questions Chern Piu that if Pui Fai is the last woman on earth who could make him Daniel happy, would he sacrifice his love for Daniel?
Chern Piu could not answer. Or maybe silence means yes. Noble idiocy runs deep here. The ex-marketing girls make a case for their employment opportunity at the hospital, they offer to use their marketing skills to help the hospital. They add that she owes them for helping her get closer to Daniel. Wrong thing to say. She shoos them away with disgust. Nu Dee does relent that the only strength she has is in being a doctor. Next we hear the marketing girls begging Chief to take them back.
Chief wonders what they want since they always fought when these two were working here. Pui Fai says she just wants her coworkers back. The two look at them with tears in their eyes. The girls make up and things go back to the way they used to. The marketing girls even flirt with A-Jo who later shows off his son.
And just as Fahsai waits alone outside, Tian Kong and his men show up and try to abduct her. A-Jo rushes out of the building to fend them off but Tian Kong pulls out a gun and shoots at him point blank. Not A-Jo! The teddy bear falls to the ground and we all go through a moment of shock. A-Jo sputters blood and manages to see the last video of his wife and child before he takes his last dying breath.
Lakorn life is so unfair. During the big four gangsters meeting, Tian Kong leads his men through the establishment and starts opening fire. Face off: Suer Khao versus the Big Four. The Big Four asks him what he wants and he just shoots at them one at a time, taking their lives, lamenting that he wants them all dead. Goodness gracious.
A brawl ensues as Daniel tries to protect his dad who has been shot. How is one gang overthrowing three other gangs? Where are the minions? How did Tian Kong recruit so many men? First they beat the crap out of Chern Piu and Tian Kong says that if he kills Chern Piu, there will be no more Chern family member left.
And its Chernming to the rescue! Chernming brought backup and they attack Tian Kong and his men. Daniel orders A-Jiew to take dad away while he and Chern Piu join the fight. In the car, dad thinks back on what his wife said to him, that she wished he would have more time to spend with them, to tell her that he loves her before they are separated by death. I guess in a moment of near death, dad sees the light, so to speak.
Officer Thep pales, realizing that Fahsai must be in danger. Daniel races back to the brawl, where an all-out fight worth of gangsters ensue. Chernming preface his gunshot to Tian Kong that he reserved the bullet to shoot the traitor, but he never thought the traitor is a member of the family. She starts choking.
Meanwhile Chernming gets handcuffed to Tian Kong and they take turn punching each other. Tian Kong starts to laugh and we see why, he has a fricking bomb strapped to his chest. Daniel manages to fight off the minion until he points to the car right behind them. Daniel fishes for the keys but the minion does not give up until Daniel puts a bullet in his chest. Fahsai passes out while Daniel shouts her name. Out of nowhere, Chern Piu jumps between them and slashes the cufflinks, Chernming pushes Chern Piu down for cover and Tian Kong gets blown up into smithereens.
The cousins give each other a nod before they fall back in a fit of exhaustion. Daniel rushes through the hospital with Fahsai in his arms, yelling for a doctor. Eit spots this and his eyes get as big as saucers. Poor A-Jiew, showing up at the wrong time.. Not noticing that Boss is severely agitated and at wits end. In frustration, he literally throws A-Jiew against the wall. Aw, is Dr. Eit really saying this? And how much do I like it that Dr. Chernming shakes his head, indicating no news yet.
He remembers how A-Jo wants to retire so that his son could see his face. Surgery is successful as Dr. Kwan retrieves the bullet. Parents celebrate the news by hugging each other while Chernming listens on with relief. Eit tells Daniel that he had told Fahsai that Daniel would hurt her and yet she still chose to love him.