Lotro can you give turbine points
How do I give points to another player? Reply With Quote. Sep 25 , AM 2. Join Date Jun Posts 36, Re: Can I give Turbine points away to another player? Turbine points are permanently tied to the account. Even if you have two accounts you can not move them around. Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion. Sep 25 , AM 3. Sep 25 , PM 4. Join Date Oct Posts 1, But are the things in the store always bound?
Maybe some of them can be given away to your friend if not. Sep 25 , PM 5. Join Date Apr Posts Turbine Points cannot be traded by design. While your intentions are honorable, there is no way this could be tracked and verified. Sep 25 , PM 6. Join Date Aug Posts Originally Posted by ETSubmariner. Sep 20 , AM 7. Same for post Rohan play as it goes back to regions that open via a sub.
If you're knee deep in the expansions; Mirkwood to Isengard to Rohan to Helm's Deep than that sub isn't going to open up any of those and you'd need to buy them anyway. Remember that if you do sub, you get points a month also. Boboscus View Profile View Posts. I suggest subbing at least for a month ONCE you have plenty of characters already, simply to unlock all the locked slots for them, as those are really point hungry if you try to buy them.
Otherwise just keep farming points and perhaps buying them on sales, but you'll see how fast you can achieve them by just playing the game or even farming. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 9 Sep am. Posts: 6. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Newb Questions. Half-troll slayer of Central Gondor Advanced. Haradrim-slayer of Central Gondor. Haradrim-slayer of Central Gondor Advanced.
Orc-slayer of Central Gondor. Orc-slayer of Central Gondor Advanced. Central Gondor: Camps of the Enemies. Central Gondor: Under Siege. Path of the Grey Host. The Legacy of Pelargir. Treasure of Central Gondor. Quests of Dor-en-Ernil. Quests of Lebennin. Vanguard of Central Gondor. Warbands: Central Gondor's Roaming Enemies. Known to Pelargir. Friend to Pelargir. Ally to Pelargir. Kindred to Pelargir. Beast-slayer of Eastern Gondor. Beast-slayer of Eastern Gondor Advanced.
Easterling-slayer of Eastern Gondor. Easterling-slayer of Eastern Gondor Advanced. Goblin-slayer of Eastern Gondor. Goblin-slayer of Eastern Gondor Advanced.
Half-troll slayer of Eastern Gondor. Half-troll slayer of Eastern Gondor Advanced. Haradrim-slayer of Eastern Gondor. Haradrim-slayer of Eastern Gondor Advanced. Orc-slayer of Eastern Gondor. Orc-slayer of Eastern Gondor Advanced. Ruins of South Ithilien. Strongholds of Hope. The Five Sisters. The Legacy of Osgiliath. The Morgul-host. The Southern Beacons. Treasure of Eastern Gondor.
Quests of Lossarnach. Quests of Osgiliath. Quests of Southern Ithilien. Quests of Upper Lebennin. Warbands: Eastern Gondor's Roaming Enemies. Known to the Rangers of Ithilien. Friend to the Rangers of Ithilien. Ally to the Rangers of Ithilien. Kindred to the Rangers of Ithilien.
Captains of Minas Tirith. Guests of the White City. Masters of Minas Tirith. Minas Tirith Fellow-halls. Taverns of the White City. Teachings of the White City. The Line of Kings. The Stewards of Gondor. Vaults of the White City. Wardens of Minas Tirith. Workings of the White City. Quests of Minas Tirith. Quests of Pelennor. Quests of Talath Anor. Known to Minas Tirith. Friend to Minas Tirith. Ally to Minas Tirith. Kindred to Minas Tirith. Respected in Minas Tirith.
Honoured in Minas Tirith. Celebrated in Minas Tirith. The Lost Trail of the Entwash. The Warning Beacons. After the Battle. Quests of the Beacon Hills. Known to the Riders of Rohan. Friend to the Riders of Rohan. Ally to the Riders of Rohan. Kindred to the Riders of Rohan. Beast and Spider slayer of North Ithilien. Beast and Spider slayer of North Ithilien Advanced.
Foe-slayer of Cair Andros. Foe-slayer of Cair Andros Advanced. Foe-slayer of Osgiliath. Foe-slayer of Osgiliath Advanced. Easterling-slayer of North Ithilien. Easterling-slayer of North Ithilien Advanced. A Look into Osgiliath. Haradrim Remnants. Ruins of North Ithilien. Treasure of North Ithilien. Quests of North Ithilien. Quests of Osgiliath and Cross-roads. Quests of Pelennor After Battle. Warbands: North Ithilien's Roaming Enemies.
Known to the Host of the West. Friend to the Host of the West. Ally to the Host of the West. Kindred to the Host of the West. Foe-slayer of Ondoher's Folly.
Foe-slayer of Ondoher's Folly Advanced. Foe-slayer of Skoironk. Foe-slayer of Skoironk Advanced. Foe-slayer of Fushaum Gund. Foe-slayer of Fushaum Gund Advanced.
Foe-slayer of Towers of the Teeth. Foe-slayer of Towers of the Teeth Advanced. Foe-slayer of Lang Rhuven. Foe-slayer of Lang Rhuven Advanced. Leaders Beneath the Hills. Leaders Beneath the Hills Advanced. Skoironk: Enemies Beneath. Skoironk: Enemies Beneath Advanced. Towers of the Teeth: Enemies Beneath. Towers of the Teeth: Enemies Beneath Advanced. Forgotten Caches. Gathering of Evil.
Relics of the Last Alliance. Ruins of Gondor. Quests of Dagorlad. Quests of the Noman-lands. Quests of the Slag-hills. Host of the West Armourer Intermediate. Host of the West Provisioner Intermediate. Host of the West Weaponist Intermediate. Host of the West Armourer Advanced. Host of the West Provisioner Advanced.
Host of the West Weaponist Advanced. Host of the West Armourer Final. Host of the West Provisioner Final. Host of the West Weaponist Final. Respected by the Host of the West. Esteemed in the Host of the West. Celebrated by the Host of the West. Beast-slayer of Dor Amarth Advanced. Evil Dwarf-slayer of Dor Amarth Advanced. Orc and Uruk-slayer of Dor Amarth Advanced.
Gredbyg-slayer of Lhingris Advanced. Spider-slayer of Lhingris Advanced. Uruk-hai and Orc-slayer of Lhingris Advanced. Orc-slayer of Agarnaith Advanced. Plague-slayer of Agarnaith Advanced. Uruk-slayer of Agarnaith Advanced. Bane of Shelob's Broods. Leaders of Gorgoroth Advanced. Enemies on The Burning Mountain Advanced. Enemies of Durthang Advanced.
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Foothold in Dor Amarth Advanced. Quests of Lhingris. Foothold in Lhingris Intermediate. Foothold in Lhingris Advanced. Quests of Agarnaith.
Foothold in Agarnaith Intermediate. Foothold in Agarnaith Advanced. Gathering of Resources Intermediate. Gathering of Resources Advanced. History of Gorgoroth. Gorgoroth: Continued Efforts. Gorgoroth: Continued Foothold. Gorgoroth: Continued Skirmishes. Quests of the Plateau. Gorgoroth: Continued Conquest. Explorer of Gorgoroth. Quests of Gorgoroth. Slayer of Gorgoroth. Deeds of Gorgoroth. Explorer of Dor Amarth. Slayer of Dor Amarth. Deeds of Dor Amarth.
Explorer of Lhingris. Slayer of Lhingris. Deeds of Lhingris. Explorer of Agarnaith. Slayer of Agarnaith. Deeds of Agarnaith. Allegiances of Middle-earth. Known to the Red Sky Clan.
Enemy to Fushaum Bal north. Enemy to Fushaum Bal south. Known in the Conquest of Gorgoroth. Friend in the Conquest of Gorgoroth. Ally in the Conquest of Gorgoroth. Kindred in the Conquest of Gorgoroth. Respected in the Conquest of Gorgoroth. Honoured in the Conquest of Gorgoroth. Celebrated in the Conquest of Gorgoroth. Green Mountains Orc-kind Slayer. Green Mountains Orc-kind Slayer Advanced. Jangovar Easterling Slayer.
Jangovar Easterling Slayer Advanced. Northern Beasts Slayer. Northern Beasts Slayer Advanced. Taurogrim Slayer. Taurogrim Slayer Advanced.
Shadows of Caras Tilion Slayer. Shadows of Caras Tilion Slayer Advanced. The Scourges of the North. Explorer of Eryn Lasgalen.
Explorer of the Dale-lands. Ruins of the North. Surveyor of the Dwarf-markers. The Path of the Company. Treasure-seeker of the North. Here Fishy Fishy Fishy. Quests of Eryn Lasgalen. Quests of the Dale-lands. Quests of Erebor. Quests to Restore the North. Explorer of the North. Known to the Dwarves of Erebor. Friend to the Dwarves of Erebor. Ally to the Dwarves of Erebor. Kindred to the Dwarves of Erebor. Respected by the Dwarves of Erebor.
Known to the Elves of Felegoth. Friend to the Elves of Felegoth. Ally to the Elves of Felegoth. Kindred to the Elves of Felegoth. Known to the Men of Dale. Friend to the Men of Dale. Ally to the Men of Dale. Kindred to the Men of Dale. Enmity of the Goblins. Enmity of the Goblins II. Enmity of the Goblins III. Enmity of the Spiders. Enmity of the Spiders II. Enmity of the Spiders III. Enmity of the Orcs. Enmity of the Orcs II. Enmity of the Dourhands.
Enmity of the Dourhands II. Enmity of the Dourhands III. Enmity of the Trolls. Enmity of the Trolls II. Enmity of the Orcs III. Enmity of the Drakes. Enmity of the Drakes II. Enmity of the Wolves. Enmity of the Wolves II. Enmity of the Wolves III. Enmity of the Dead. Enmity of the Dead II. Enmity of the Dead III. Enmity of the Wargs. Enmity of the Wargs II. Enmity of the Wargs III. Enmity of the Hillmen. Enmity of the Hillmen II.
A Building Rage. Hearth and Home. Quick Slash. Full Force. Get Your Bearings. Master the Basics. Rattling Roar. Weight on Their Shoulders. Beorn's Gift. Unexpectedly Agile. A Thousand Stingers. Overwhelming Strength. Overbearing Presence. To Battle! Natural Beorn Leadership. Stand Firm. Not the Bees! Bear in Mind and Heart.
Beorn's Might. A Hobbit's Holiday. A Study of the Skin-changer. Genealogy of the Beornings. Cunning Wound. Hidden Dagger. Swift and Subtle Deed. Perplexing Riddle. Bleeding is Better. Cruel Odds. Achieve a critical hit with any skill unlocked by a critical hit times. Trickster Deed. Mass Confusion. Strike from Shadows. No Time For Games. Better and Better. Finish What You Started. Resistance is Futile. An Unpleasant Surprise. Insult to Injury.
The Expert's Guide to Dirty Fighting. The Book of Knives. Knee-breaker's Manual. The Path of the Mischief-maker.
A Guide to the Quiet Knife. Allies of the Enemy. Allies of the Enemy Advanced. The Dead That Live. The Dead That Live Advanced.
Lore of the Enemy. The Enemy's Stronghold. Plans of War. Facing Your Fears. Discover the Halls of Night. Raising Spirits. Champion of the Halls of Night. Champions of Urugarth. Champions of Urugarth Advanced.