Lowes tree giveaway what kind of tree
Lowe's is doing their part to make your yard a little greener this Earth Day. You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications. Earth Day. Credit: Getty. Close this content. Read full article. Kelly Corbett. Photo credit: Lowe's. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. Recommended Stories.
Motley Fool. Atlanta Black Star. The Oklahoman. Yahoo Life. Forest Service and national park system, the creation of the modern environmental movement, and literally thousands of forest ecosystem restoration and education efforts.
Since , American Forests has planted nearly 40 million trees in forests throughout the U. Learn more at www. The Jonsteen Company specializes in the mighty Coast Redwoods and Giant Sequoias of California , but grows a wonderfully diverse selection of trees that are available through various retail nurseries including Lowe's, as well as through its own online tree boutique www.
Over the years, Jonsteen has partnered with a wide range of organizations and businesses - from The Smithsonian Institution to Disneyland - in its efforts to educate about trees and put live trees directly into people's hands. Apr 18 According to American Forests : -- Planting trees makes cents. Planting trees strategically around your home can cut your air conditioning bills in half by providing windbreaks and shade. As trees grow, they naturally filter airborne pollutants like carbon monoxide, lower the air temperature and produce oxygen.
Planting just 30 Global ReLeaf trees will absorb the amount of carbon dioxide that is produced by the average American lifestyle each year. With the first three weeks, the reservations filled up fast. In addition to free gardening kits, Lowe's, whose headquarters are based in North Carolina, says it's offering deals, demonstrating products and running a campaign called "Hometrip," which advises on how to turn homes into "destinations.
Lowe's posted information about planting and caring for trees on its SpringFest page at Lowes. On Thursday , Lowe's will hand out free tree saplings from 5 to 7 p.