What kind of plant is elodea
Anyone who has grown them in an aquarium knows that it doesn't take much to propagate an Elodea plant. They have a remarkable ability for cloning themselves from mere fragments of the stem. This is yet another reason why they can become so invasive. Plants growing in temperate waterways produce a thick bud at the tips of their stems come fall.
This is how they overwinter. Once favorable temperatures return, this bud "germinates" and grows into a new plant. In more mild climates, these plants are evergreen. One of the most interesting aspects of Elodea ecology is that at least two species, E canadensis and E. In other words, these plants produce secondary chemicals in their tissues that inhibit the growth of other photosynthetic organisms. In this case, their allelopathic nature is believed to be a response to epiphytic algae and cyanobacteria.
Slow growing aquatic plants must contend with films of algae and cyanobacteria building up on their leaves. Under certain conditions, this buildup can outpace the plants' ability to deal with it and ends up completely blocking all sunlight reaching the leaves. Researchers found that chemicals produced by these two species of Elodea actually inhibited the growth of algae and cyanobacteria on their leaves, thus reducing the competition for light in their aquatic environments.
Elodea make for a wonderful introduction to the world of aquatic plants. They are easy to grow and, if cared for properly, look really cool. Just remember that their hardy nature also makes them an aggressive invader where they are not native. Unlike other aquatic plants, common waterweed provides food and shelter for the aquatic life in your pond throughout winter.
High levels of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in the pond can cause common waterweed and other aquatic plants in your pond to grow out of control. These nutrients can enter your pond in the form of fertilizer carried in runoff from the lawn or septic drain fields.
In severe cases, rampantly growing common waterweed can kill off fish. This happens when the common waterweed grows so densely it blocks sunlight from reaching plants growing at the bottom of the pond. The plants die from the lack of sunlight and the microorganisms feeding on the dead plant life use up the oxygen at the bottom of the pond.
Rapid heating in the summer further reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, killing fish. If you have too much common waterweed in your pond, you can remove it by hand, but it will grow back quickly if you don't reduce nutrient levels. The best method of control is to limit the use of fertilizers in the area around the pond. If fertilizer is draining into your pond from a neighbor's yard, install drainage channels around the pond to direct the runoff away from it.
Daniel Thompson began writing about analytical literature in He has written informative guides for a hardware store and was published at an academic conference as part of a collaborative project.
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